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If there were no electricity essay

If there were no electricity essay

 If there were no electricity essay

In modern life, we have got so habituated to the use of electricity that we do not want a moment of life without electricity, Needless to say, the discovery of electricity was evidently one of the greatest benefactors of mankind.

Now, it will be a horrendous time for all of us if something miraculous happens such that the earth is denuded of the blind energy of electricity of course, in such an eventuality, the loss will be tremendous and even incalculable. It may not be easy to surmise exactly the real discomfort caused to all of us.

If there were no electricity, there would be no electric light, no electric fans, desert coolers or air conditioners, no refrigerators, no mixers no juicers, no heaters, no geysers, no printing presses, virtually no books, nol magazines, no newspapers, etc.

Certain industries such as textile, sugar, steel, cement, TV, computer, auto parts and other industries might not exist without electricity. Even tube well, water pumps, geysers, etc. would have to be run by diesel, petrol or gas. That would be a costly affair for dentists without electricity.

Total darkness could provide a hey time for thieves and robbers. Indeed, modern life is impossible without electricity.

If there were no electricity essay

Electricity is one of the basic forms of energy. Of all the forms of energy, including motion, sound, heat, light and radio waves, electricity is the most versatile (with many uses).

It can be generated from many different sources. It can be sent over long distances almost instantaneously, carrying either message or power, and it can be easily and efficiently converted into other forms of energy as needed.

Because of this versatility, electricity plays a part in almost every aspect of modern life. It provides light and heat, and mechanical power and makes possible the telephone and telegraph, radio and television and countless other necessities and luxuries.

Nowadays, we carry a lot of gadgets like lights, fan mixers, ovens, irons, refrigerators and air conditioners without even thinking about how they work.

 We often hear our grandmothers talking about the good old days without electricity when one would wake up early in the morning and go to sleep early. All the studies will be done in broad daylight. Cooking over a wood fire had its own flavour and the meal would be a family meal eaten together by candlelight at a given time.

Once we had no electricity for 8 hours. Life came to a standstill. The bells didn't ring. The washing machine died. The TV set was dark and silent. The radio was just a box without sound.

The food had gone bad. The electric clock is without a flashlight, knocking on each other's doors instead of ringing the doorbell. Travel by trains (electric) will be affected and lakhs of people will be stranded.

In other words, anarchy reigned supreme. Such power failures are a housewife's nightmare. Tasks that quickly tend to remain unattainable.

We are so dependent on electricity and the facilities it provides that without it we are literally left in the dark. In this modern time, such blackouts are frequent because the demand exceeds the supply.

Our population has increased manifold and so has our consumption. This leads to overloading and power failure. The day is not far when we will face a serious power crisis.

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