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Showing posts from May, 2022

How to Improve Essay Writing Skills with the help of Online Tools

How to Improve Essay Writing Skills with the help of Online Tools An essay is a writing piece having multiple types. You can write essays on personalities, products, and critical analyses of a situation. Every essay writing needs searching and relevant material that adds weightage to it. Every one of us can write essays but the skill may differ in style and perfection scale. With experience and practice, essay writing skills can be improved a lot. Essay writing skills You can acquire a set of practices for improving your writing skills. These practices have some steps that you can do daily and make a good essay on any topic. Outline formation Outline or write points that explain your whole topic. Before starting any type of essay you should know what topic you are writing about and what points should you include in your topic. The essay should be in a proper structure. First, you have to write an introduction to the topic that should be comprehensive. In the introduction, you should wr

5 Online Tools That Helps To Write Better Essay

  5 Online Tools That Helps To Write Better Essay Writing a good essay is nothing less than a work of art. So, how do you find the tools to paint this picture?  Good essay writing requires you to create a good outline. Then, you need to follow it up with good research, grammar, and all the other necessary ingredients. However, tending to such ingredients can be a problem. Mainly because sometimes essay writing can be difficult to keep track of. Not only because of their extensive length but also the focus and quality that academic essays require. That's when you need tools to ensure specific quality and content integrity. From particular content tones to grammatical prowess, many tools can help you. But how exactly do you write a quality essay? What are the basics, and how do tools help with that? To understand this, let's dive in a little deeper and talk about the tools and why they're needed.  Writing A Quality Essay Writing a quality essay is more about formulating an ap

10 Lines on Summer Vacation in English for Children and Students

10 Lines on Summer Vacation in English for Children and Students 1. Summer Vacations are the holidays. 2. Summer Vacation comes in the summer season. 3. The period of summer vacation is mainly April to June. 4. During the vacation, all schools and colleges are closed. 5. During summer vacation, children are very happy. 6. For kids, it is their favorite Vacation because they can have icecreams and chocolates during this Vacation. 7. Children love summer vacation so much. 8. Summer vacation refreshes students' minds. 9. After summer vacation students are promoted to the next class. 10. Summer vacation is like a festival for children. 10 Lines on Summer Vacation in English for  Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.  1. Summer vacation is the holiday given on summer days to students. 2. Schools and colleges remain closed during May and June months. 3. During summer vacation all children are very happy. 4. Summer vacation is the time to visit some places and trip. 5. Children spend most of their t

Essay about Sri Lanka Economic Crisis

  Essay about Sri Lanka Economic Crisis On March 31st hundreds of protesters gathered outside Sri Lankan president Gotabaya Rajpaksha's residence in Colombo.  Many in the crowd were holding posters with anti-government slogans and were chanting gotta go home in sinhala  The protesters demanded that the government stepped down immediately for mishandling the country's economy  a day after president raja paksha declared a state of emergency  Sri Lanka is witnessing its worst economic crisis since independence, the island nation had announced a nationwide 13-hour daily powercut from March 31st  there is an acute shortage of food, fuel, and cooking gas.  Several hospitals have had to suspend routine surgeries as they have run out of life-saving medicines authorities had to cancel examinations for millions of students due to a shortage of paper  During the first wave of the pandemic, thousands of Sri Lankan laborers working in several West Asian countries were forced to return home 

Benefits of investing in the stock market

  Benefits of investing in the stock market Do you frequently hear regarding a friend of a friend, cousins, or coworkers who have made a lot of money by making an investment in stock markets, and then consider it a fantastic idea to use it? However, you spend too much time worrying about the disadvantages of investing, such as risk and the possibility that it might be time-consuming.  But, believe this when everyone says that expanding your investment portfolios outside gold, fixed deposits, and mutual funds is essential and has numerous advantages. Investing is becoming much simpler as technology has advanced; purchasing and selling stocks currently just need a matter of seconds. Nowadays everyone tries to know Tata Motors share price and may make investments and reap all of the rewards that come with it. Allow your money to perform for you while you sit and unwind yourself! Here are several of the advantages of investing in the stock market. Profits The ability of the marketplace to

CBSE Class 6 Social Science Chapters in Detail

CBSE Class 6 Social Science Chapters in Detail The Central Board of Secondary Education, better known as CBSE, is a body that regulates  education in India. Their vision is "Education for All", and they believe that the future starts on  day one. You will know about detailed descriptions of each chapter of class 6 social science  syllabus for CBSE. Chapter 1: India and World In this chapter, you will be discussing India and the world. You will discuss India's history,  culture, and geography. You will also discuss India's economy and politics. Finally, you will  discuss the interaction of India with the world. India is a large country located in South Asia. It is the seventh most populous country globally,  with over 1.3 billion people. India has a diverse geography with six major geographical regions:  North India, Central India, South India, East India, West Bengal, and Assam. India's history can be divided into three main periods: the Vedic period (5000-3000 BC

10 lines on Sudha Murthy in English for Children and Students

  10 lines on Sudha Murthy  in English for Children and Students Sudha Murthy  is an inspiration to many people all over the world  She is an Indian businesswoman educator author and philanthropist  Sudha Murthy was born on 19th august 1915 in Karnataka she began her professional career in computer science and engineering  She is also a philanthropist a social worker and a writer in Kannada Marathi in English Sudha Murthy wrote a postcard to the chairman of tata engineering and locomotive company and complained  About the gender bias in the company after that, she was interviewed and was hired Sudha Murthy became the first female engineer hired at India's largest auto manufacturer telco. She was the chairperson of the Infosys foundation she married Narayan Murthy She received the Raj Lakshmi Award and R.K. Narayana Award for literature  She won India's fourth-highest civilian award Padma Sheen in 2006  Essay on  Sudha Murthy  in English for Children and Students Sudha Murthy  w