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10 Lines on World No Tobacco Day in English

  10 Lines on World No Tobacco Day in English The world tobacco day organized on the 31st of May for an entire year The reason behind the event is to stop the negative health impacts The world tobacco name gets authorized by the heads of the world health organization The media promotes the positive points of this day with huge advertisements Smokers start suffering from cancer disease after the rapid use of tobacco Tobacco motivates people to live their lives tobacco-free All smokers face significant issues of chronic respiratory disease Every ninth person in India consumes tobacco Therefore this day is beneficial for these people The organizers want to make countries free from nicotine and tobacco products many states have started the banning nicotine mixed products 10 Lines on World No Tobacco Day in English 1. World no tobacco day is celebrated on 31st May every year to raise awareness about the negative health effects of tobacco consumption  2. world no tobacco day celebration is p
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