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Short note on soil pollution in english


Essay on Soil Pollution: Definition, Causes and Effects

Short note on soil pollution in English

Essay on Soil Pollution: Definition, Causes and Effects

Soil Pollution is a very big challenge for our environment today. Soil pollution is a term that many have not been heard very frequently but having a constant check on soil pollution is very important. Soil pollution is the contamination of the fertile soil which reduces the productivity of soil because of various toxic pollution. 

Toxic Pollution is very dangerous and adversely affects the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil. Variety of pollution such as pesticides, insecticides, fertilisers, chemicals, radioactive wastes, organic manure,  discarded food, clothes, plastics, paper, leather goods, bottles, etc. 

Gets mixed into the soil and causes soil pollution. other released chemicals by various means like iron, mercury, lead, copper, zinc, etc are toxic chemicals that cause soil pollution.

Acid rain is a natural cause that also affects soil fertility indirectly. Also, deforestation is one of the causes of soil pollution. As the number of trees in the environment decreases, soil pollution will increase.

All these industrial, urban, radioactive and biological wastes thrown into the soil without processing and management will cause soil pollution to a massive amount and threaten the life of a human, animals and other living beings who all depend on the land one way or the other. soil pollution has also effects on health such as respiratory illness bronchitis, asthma, cancer etc. 

Soil pollution is an environmental issue that affects all forms of life. In order to decrease and limit soil pollution, the individual should follow all efficient control measures including environment protection laws. Also, people should encourage recycling and reuse of solid waste and also maximize the trees planting. 

5 Lines on Soil Pollution

  1. The Earth's surface is made up of 29% land.
  2. Deforestation, urbanization and agricultural land are the main causes of pollution.
  3. Land pollution also affects humans, plants and animals.
  4. Harmful agricultural practices like crop burning cause land pollution.
  5. The increase in global warming has given rise to locust swarms that damage crops and plantations.

10 Lines on Soil Pollution

  1. Soil pollution can be termed as contamination of harmful chemicals in the soil.
  2. The main factor due to which soil pollution exists is industrialization.
  3. Other factors are the heavy use of pesticides and insecticides in agricultural land.
  4. The most common chemicals that are responsible for soil pollution are petroleum, carbon compounds, lead, and heavy metals.
  5. Harmful irrigation practices that lead to a decrease in soil fertility are also one of the causes of soil pollution.
  6. When unpleasant gases contaminate clouds, they cause acid rain, which is also a factor in soil pollution.
  7. leakage of fuel or petrol from vehicles spread over the earth; When it rains, they go deep into the soil and contaminate it.
  8. Improper waste management practices by which waste is dumped in large dumping grounds contaminate the soil.
  9. Soil pollution kills the productivity and fertility of the soil left with harmful chemicals, the byproducts of that soil will make us sick.
  10. As we know that soil is an important component of the earth in which trees, plants and all kinds of food are grown but pollution destroys this property.

Soil Pollution Essay in English 150 Words

Soil is an important element of this planet and it is directly related to our existence. Pollution of this precious element has now become a global problem and not a concern of the country.

Soil pollution can be defined as the persistent increase of toxic elements in the soil such as chemicals, salt, disease-causing agents, radioactive wastes, or anything that changes soil quality and adversely affects plant growth. Is. on human health.

"Don't pollute our homeland- the only fertile land in this universe."

Reduce soil pollution by properly regulating waste dumping and litter avoidance, less use and dumping of toxic materials, recycling of waste materials, reducing the use of toxic fertilisers, pesticides, insecticides and choosing organic products instead, preventing deforestation can be done. More plants (afforestation).

It is our role as students to understand the importance of preserving purity in the soil and protecting it from contamination by educating others on the matter through spreading awareness. We will soon update Soil Pollution Essay in Hindi, Kannada, Punjabi and Telugu.

200 Word Essay Soil Pollution

Soil is the topmost layer of the earth's crust. Soil enables and sustains life on the planet, without which there would be no living beings on Earth.

But recently, due to human greed and irresponsibility, soil pollution has become a dangerous phenomenon, if it is not controlled then it will have devastating effect on our environment and food cycle in future.

Soil pollution has been a problem since rapid industrialization and globalization. Governments as well as people should come forward to implement strong laws and policies to prevent soil pollution from happening further.

"Pollution is easy to create, but its effects are difficult to address"

Wrong farming practices, dumping of harmful waste and waste disposal on open land, breakdown of underground storage tanks, industrial waste disposal are some of the reasons which are causing soil pollution.

A polluted soil, containing no nutrients and useful chemicals, is of no use to humans, plants and animals, resulting in the abandonment of that land in search of new land. Deforestation occurs as a result of the discovery of a new piece of land to cultivate on it.

Deforestation will result in soil erosion, melting of glaciers, global warming, floods and many other disasters. Each chain is interconnected in nature and disturbance in one link will result in a disturbance in the whole chain.

Soil Pollution Essay in 250 words


Adding any toxic substance to the environment is called pollution. The contamination of naturally occurring pure soil with toxic substances is called soil pollution.

Soil pollution is a major factor affecting our environment in the present scenario. Influencing the soil by the use of chemicals, non-biodegradable wastes, industrial effluents and artificial fertilisers will lead to soil pollution.

10 Causes of Soil Pollution:

1) Industrial Waste:

Industries are by far the worst polluters of soil, releasing all chemicals into the environment, whether in liquid or solid form.

2) Deforestation:

Clearing trees exposes the soil to the elements so that they are easily removed by soil erosion. This makes the land barren and unable to support the vegetation.

3) Excessive Use of Fertilizers and Pesticides:

The increasing demand for food has forced farmers to use fertilizers and pesticides that leave nothing but toxins in the soil, which kill useful microorganisms important in plant growth.

4) Garbage Pollution:

The waste that cannot be recycled is disposed of carelessly and is not only an eyesore but also pollutes the land. Some of this waste can take literally thousands of years to decompose!

5) Pesticides:

Before World War II, the chemical nicotine present in tobacco plants was used as a pest control substance in agricultural practices.

6) Chlorinated Organic Toxins:

The harmful effects of DDT and other chemicals led to the introduction of less permanent organic and more-biodegradable substances such as carbamates and organophosphates.

7) Herbicide:

Gradually, industries started producing herbicides like sodium arsenite (Na3AsO3), sodium chlorate (NaClO3) etc. Herbicides can decompose over a period of a few months.

8) Inorganic Fertilizers:

Excessive use of inorganic nitrogen fertilizers leads to soil acidification and contamination of agricultural soils. It is also known as agrochemical pollution.

9) Industrial Pollution:

The wrong way to dispose of chemical waste from a variety of industries can lead to soil contamination.

10) Urban Activities:

Lack of proper waste disposal, regular construction due to lack of proper drainage and surface runoff can cause extreme damage to the soil.

Effects of Soil Pollution:

Soil pollution has irreversible and irreparable effects on the environment and its habitats.

  • The quality of the soil decreases.
  • The quality of the crops grown becomes substandard.
  • affects human health.
  • Causes severe destruction in biodiversity and the ecosystem.
  • Damages water bodies on earth.

Plastic Soil Pollution:

We are all fascinated by plastic bags, no matter where we live. We see plastic bags lying on our streets, stuck in our trees and floating in our rivers, dams and oceans.

The waste of plastic bags is disrupting our well-balanced environment more and more every day. Our terrestrial wildlife suffers daily.


Soil is one of the major resources on which we depend for everything and anything. If the purity and fertility of the soil is lost, there could possibly be a threat to mankind.

Therefore, it is high time that we pay serious attention to this issue and educates people to avoid activities that pollute the soil.

Land Pollution English Essay for class 10 300 words


Various human activities and natural factors are also different causes of land pollution. In addition, some of the causes of land pollution are the use of pesticides, agricultural and industrial waste, deforestation, increasing urbanization, acid rain and mining activities.

Moreover, these activities not only damage the soil but also cause various human and animal infections and diseases.

Types of Land Pollution:

1. Agricultural Land Pollution:

We use a lot of fertilizers as well as insecticides, fungicides and insecticides on our agricultural land to increase the yield.

These agricultural inputs are all full of chemicals. The chemicals are effective in killing insects and increasing production. But they also strip the soil of its minerals and other valuable compounds.

In addition, they are harmful to animals, fish, birds and useful microbes. In fact, some of the herbicides we use to eradicate weeds are so harmful that they can be fatal even when used in small amounts.

2. Non-Biodegradable Solid Waste:

A lot of waste is generated in our homes, schools, hospitals, shops and even workplaces. Most of this waste is non-biodegradable. It can take up to millions of years for it to decompose completely.

Non-biodegradable solid waste includes metal, glass and plastic products. This waste finds its way into dumping areas, resulting in landfills.

  • Plastic products in particular are the most notorious.
  • They pile up over time and become very difficult to eliminate.

3. Industrial Waste:

Another major source of land pollution is industrial waste. These wastes include the following:

  • chemicals
  • plastic
  • metals
  • paint
  • Other industrial manufacturing byproducts and residues.

Industrial waste typically originates from agricultural product processors, oil refineries, pharmaceuticals, construction sites and energy-producing power plants.

For example, power plants release chemical waste and dispose of them in landfills. These include coal, petroleum and nuclear waste. On the other hand, construction sites produce wood, metal and plastic waste, which make their way into landfills.

While energy-producing plants burn fossil fuels and biomass, other industrial producers such as oil refineries and pharmaceuticals use different raw materials that generate loads of chemical residues and byproducts.

And despite the fact that the disposal of industrial products is largely controlled, some waste still ends up in landfills.

4. Deforestation:

Land degradation and pollution also occur when we cut down trees to clear land for agriculture, construction, mining or other economic activities.

Deforestation causes a total loss of land value. Elimination of natural vegetation disrupts the ecosystem, adversely affecting various life forms.

Take for example forest areas; Trees absorb 20 per cent of the heat from the sun's radiation. In doing so, it protects and protects surface soils from damaging erosion.

When you cut down trees, you expose the earth's surface to the scorching heat of the sun and other harmful elements. This, in turn, leads to land pollution, soil erosion and desertification.

5. Mining:

The extraction of materials and ores from beneath the earth's surface also contributes to land pollution. Do you know how this happens?

Mining degrades the quality of the land. These include the extraction of metals, oil, coal, stones, stands and mineral ores such as gold. When mining or quarrying, you generally have to clear the land surface and drill huge manholes and pits.

After mining, we leave the land completely deformed and exposed to erosion, which further reduces its quality and value.

Top 3 Effects of Land Pollution:

Climate change, causes an onslaught of devastating problems, including flash floods and erratic rainfall.

Habitat relocation, where some animals are forced to flee where they live in order to survive. Species crisis and extinction in wildlife.

An increase in forest fires causes polluted areas to often become very dry. An increase in air pollution contributes to the burning of waste.

Effects of Land Pollution on Human Health:

Land pollution is really serious. But not only for the earth, but also for the people. Land pollution can cause many things to the human body. People can come into contact with toxic wastes and chemicals. Land pollution is also caused by the disposal of harmful toxic wastes.

Long-term health effects can include chronic respiratory disease, lung cancer, heart disease and even brain damage. Land pollution affects health and harms wildlife. The condition of land pollution is very costly. Land pollution is really messing with how people live and how children grow up.

Poisoning from land pollution can result from batteries, and sewage can lead to bone disease. The Great Smog in London in 1955 killed 4,000 people in a matter of days, and the land pollution from the smog disaster actually increased.

More than 10,000 houses were just filled with garbage, only land pollution! The land, when contaminated with toxic chemicals and pesticides, gives rise to potentially fatal problems such as skin cancer and especially human respiratory diseases.

Problems of Land Pollution:

1. Cleaning:

Environmental remediation involves removing contaminants from soil, groundwater or surface water. Bioremediation (microbes) and phytoremediation (plants) can be used to convert pollutants into harmless products. These are natural solutions that need to be supported by intensive actions.

2. Green Agriculture:

Sustainable agriculture is essential because it aims to control the impact on the farming environment by reducing external contributions (phytosanitary products), diversifying cultures, and using biological treatments.

3. Sustainable Forest Management:

Conservation of forests is the main thing. Without the protection of trees, the land becomes dry and erosion occurs. Therefore, sustainable forestry or logging is important to protect the soil from pollution.

4. Proper Waste Disposal:

For industrial or domestic waste, efficient waste disposal is one of the most effective ways to prevent land pollution. This especially applies to toxic and hazardous waste disposal.

Ways to limit land pollution:

This harmful pollution is heading towards its all-time maximum. The government and organizations are trying their level best to reduce this pollution. But it is necessary that we also contribute to this.

Apart from this, by making some small changes in our daily life, we can reduce the amount of land pollution caused by the environment. Apart from this, here we are going to discuss some ways by which we can reduce land pollution.

Use biodegradable products instead of non-biodegradable ones, as they are easier to dispose of and are much safer for the environment.

Also, start using food free from pesticides and fertilizers as increasing their use will reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in their fields.

Also, start growing your own organic fruits and vegetables if you have a garden or enough space in your home.

Also, avoid packing things as most of these things are made from non-biodegradable materials which take hundreds of years to dispose.


In the end, land pollution can be controlled only when we along with the government contribute to it. And for our contribution we need to use less amount of products which cause land pollution. At the same time, we should make it our duty to sort out the waste and avoid the use of non-biodegradable products.

"Stop littering, the earth is not your garbage can."

400 words essay on land pollution control


29% of the Earth's surface is made up of land on which plants, animals and humans live. Land pollution is the degradation of land, soil and its nutrients due to various human activities like deforestation, urbanization, agricultural activities etc.

The land includes forests, mountains, rivers, lakes, cities, villages and other settlements. Land sustains life on earth. It is because of the land that we can produce the food that sustains our growing population boom.

In addition, the forests that stand on the ground nurture all living beings from animals to plants and trees and even grasslands.

When we refer to land pollution, we mean the degradation of land and its fundamental properties. These include the removal of its nutrients, desertification and eventually making it a barren land, meaning that a particular piece of land cannot support life on Earth.

But in recent years, the land has been over-exploited by man because of his need and greed. There are many reasons for the pollution of land, some of which are.

Agricultural land pollution:

Agricultural activities have been a major cause of land degradation. Farmers in many countries follow some harmful farming practices which have led to this problem. Land burning is one of the biggest causes of both land pollution and air pollution.

Burning the soil after harvest helps in reclaiming nutrients in the soil. But this land will lose its original nutrient and humus capacity and after few years it will turn into barren land.

The activity of burning this crop will also cause a lot of air pollution due to the release of high amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Statistics show that the high level of pollution in India's capital New Delhi is due to crop burning activities in neighboring states.

Industrial Land Pollution:

With the increase in population, it has become difficult to control the expansion of cities. Metropolis like Bengaluru, Mumbai or New Delhi are expanding and swallowing up their neighboring cities due to lack of space within the cities.

There are many reasons for this rapid urbanization, some of which are migration of people from rural to urban area in search of better livelihood, increase in market size to open industries, improvement in consumer demand and technological advancement. This has led to the problem of waste disposal leading to massive exploitation of open land.

Large factories, sky scrapers, airports, dams, bridges and other infrastructural developments in the country are putting enormous pressure on our land.

To feed the growing population in the cities, deforestation is taking place for the purpose of agriculture, to feed the increasing thirst of our population, the ground water is depleting at an ever increasing rate.

Land Pollution Facts:

According to the United Nations, the United States disposes of more than half of its solid waste in landfills. This amounts to over 110 million tons of waste per year and makes the US one of the top contributors to landfill waste worldwide.

In 2008, the United States produced more than 250 million tons of municipal solid waste. Most of the waste comes from residential homes.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), electronics waste is growing rapidly and seriously contributing to land pollution. In 2005, more than 1.5 tons of electronic waste was dumped in landfills.

Due to land pollution, the Earth loses about 25 billion tons of valuable top soil every year.

It takes at least 500 years for 2.5 cm of topsoil to regenerate, and the United States loses soil at a rate 17 times greater than that of generating new topsoil.

Much land pollution is caused by agricultural activities, such as grazing, pesticide spraying, fertilizing, irrigation, limited animal facilities, and tillage.

Excessive irrigation affects water and soil quality by concentrating pesticides and harmful bacteria in the upper layers of the soil.

Land-based pollution has threatened 22 percent of Earth's coral reefs.

Up to 80 percent of land pollution is caused by energy production, food production and transportation.

Causes of land pollution:

1. Deforestation and Soil Erosion:

One of the major concerns is deforestation done to create dry land. Land that once turned into dry or barren land can never be made fertile again, whatever the magnitude of the measures to be taken to rid it.

Land conversion, which means alteration or modification of the original properties of the land to make it usable for a specific purpose, is another major factor. This greatly obstructs the land.

At the same time, there is continuous wastage of land. The land available unutilized over the years becomes barren; So this land cannot be used. So in search of more land, the mighty land is hunted down, and its indigenous kingdom is compromised.

2. Agricultural Activities:

With the increasing human population, the demand for food has increased significantly. Farmers often use highly toxic fertilizers and pesticides to get rid of insects, fungi and bacteria from their crops. However, with the overuse of these chemicals, they make the soil contaminated and toxic.

3. Mining Activities:

During extraction and mining activities, many land spaces are created below the surface. We constantly hear about land caving, which is nothing but nature's way of filling in the blanks left after mining or extraction activity.

4. Overcrowded Landfills:

Every household produces tons of garbage every year. Waste such as aluminium, plastic, paper, cloth, wood is collected and sent to the local recycling unit. Items that cannot be recycled become part of the landfill which hinders the beauty of the city and causes land pollution.

5. Industrialization:

Increased demand for food, shelter and housing leads to the production of more goods. This resulted in the creation of more waste that needs to be disposed of.

To meet the demands of the growing population, more industries were developed, which led to deforestation. Research and development paved the way for modern fertilizers and chemicals that were highly toxic and thereby contaminated the soil.

6. Urbanization:

We humans have been making permanent settlements for at least the last 10,000 years. Most of the cities and towns, and the infrastructure built, will be with us for thousands more years in the future.

Not many of us can classify human settlements as "land pollution". However, urbanization marks a significant change in the landscape which can lead to land pollution in various subtle and subtle ways.

7. Construction Activities:

Due to urbanization, a large number of construction activities are taking place, resulting in large waste materials like wood, metal, brick, plastic which can be seen with the naked eye outside any under construction building or office.

8. Nuclear Waste:

Nuclear plants can produce enormous amounts of energy through nuclear fission and fusion. Leftover radioactive material contains harmful and toxic chemicals that can affect human health. They are thrown under the ground to avoid any casualties.

9. Sewage Treatment:

A large amount of solid waste remains after sewage treatment. The leftover material is then sent to the landfill site, which pollutes the environment.

10. Dustbin:

Garbage is a common problem, be it in urban or rural areas. People throw their garbage on the ground regardless of the adverse effect on the environment.

A common example is people throwing their cigarette butts on the ground every now and then. Since cigarettes contain harmful substances for the environment, it contaminates the land.

Land Pollution Effects:

1. Soil Pollution:

Soil pollution is another form of land pollution, where the top layer of soil or top soil structure is damaged or changed.

It is caused by soil erosion resulting from overuse of chemical fertilizers, running water and other pest control measures, leading to loss of fertile land for agriculture, forest cover, fodder patches for grazing, etc.

The regeneration process takes at least 500 years for 2.5 cm of top soil. The United States loses soil at a rate 17 times higher than it usually takes to generate new topsoil.

2. Groundwater Poisoning:

When harmful substances, chemicals from industrial processes are improperly disposed of on land or in illegal landfills or storage, chemicals and other substances can end up in groundwater systems.

The process is called leaching. It can occur on farms, industrial sites and landfills and can also affect the health of animals, plants and humans.

3. Problems of Drinking Water:

Drinking water is highly affected by land pollution. About 50% of the world's population does not have access to safe drinking water, and each year 10 million people die from water-based diseases.

4. Changes in Climate Pattern:

The effects of land pollution are very dangerous and can lead to the loss of ecosystems. When land is polluted, it directly or indirectly affects the climate patterns.

5. Environmental Impact:

When deforestation is done, tree cover is compromised. This creates a huge imbalance in the rainfall cycle. A turbulent rainfall cycle is influenced by many factors.

Most importantly, the green cover has reduced. Trees and plants help to balance the atmosphere; Without them, we are subject to various concerns such as global warming, greenhouse effect, erratic rainfall and other imbalances such as flash floods.

6. Impact on Human Health:

The land, when contaminated with toxic chemicals and pesticides, gives rise to potentially fatal problems such as skin cancer and especially human respiratory diseases.

Globally, 9,500 people are diagnosed with skin cancer every day. Toxic chemicals can get into our bodies through the foods and vegetables we eat because they are grown in polluted soil.

Land pollution also caused developmental deficits in children. Chemicals such as lead, which are commonly found in contaminated soil and water, can affect a child's cognitive development, even when the exposure is very minimal.

7. Air pollution causes:

Landfills across the city continue to grow due to the increase in waste and are subsequently incinerated, causing air pollution. They become home to rodents, rats, etc., which in turn transmit diseases.

8. Distraction for Tourists:

The city loses its charm as a tourist destination because the landfills do not look good when you walk around the city. This results in loss of revenue to the state government.

9. Impact on Wildlife:

The animal kingdom has suffered the most in the past decades. They face a serious threat with respect to habitat and loss of the natural environment.

Continued human activity on land is polluting it, forcing these species to move further away and die trying to adapt or adjust to new areas. Many species are also on the verge of extinction due to lack of homeland.

10. Water Nutrient Enrichment:

Chemicals that are often used in agricultural fields, such as nitrogen, ultimately benefit crops in only a small proportion. The rest ends up in waters populated by fish, algae, and other life forms.

Since nutrient-rich water absorbs most of the oxygen in the water, it leaves little oxygen for fish and other marine life. In that case water becomes unable to support most of the living beings.

11. Forest Fire:

When land areas are polluted, they usually become quite dry. The dry conditions created by pollutants in the soil create the perfect environment for wildfires and dramatically increase the likelihood of wildfires.

Due to dry conditions and wide areas of polluted land, fires can grow rapidly, causing damage to the entire environment and the death of plants, animals and even humans.

12. Housing Transfer:

When deforestation and soil erosion continue, animals are forced to find shelter and food from their natural habitat. The change is very painful for some animals, and also leads to loss of life. As a result, some species are at greater risk of extinction.

13. Other Issues:

Other issues we face include rise in temperature, off-season activity, acid rain etc. Discharge of chemicals on land makes it dangerous for the ecosystem as well.

These chemicals are consumed by animals and plants and thus make their way into the ecosystem. This process is called biomagnification and is a serious threat to the ecology.

Effects of Land Pollution on Environment:

Land pollution can be one of the most visible types of pollution. You see garbage outside buildings or on the side of the road. You may see a large landfill or dump.

This type of land pollution can not only harm animals and their habitats, but is also ugly and destroys the beauty of nature.

Other types of land pollution such as mining, farming and factories can allow harmful chemicals to enter soil and water.

These chemicals can cause the death of animals and plants, disrupting the food chain. Landfills release the greenhouse gas methane, which can lead to global warming.

When deforestation is done, tree cover is compromised. This creates a huge imbalance in the rainfall cycle. A turbulent rainfall cycle is influenced by many factors.

Most importantly, the green cover has reduced. Trees and plants help to balance the atmosphere; Without them, we are subject to various concerns such as global warming, greenhouse effect, erratic rainfall and other imbalances such as flash floods.


As much as oxygen is necessary for the survival of living beings on earth, the land is equally important for sustaining life. No living being can survive on this planet without land. Collectively, it becomes our responsibility to formulate strong and effective laws and regulations to prevent further land pollution.

It is not only the responsibility of the government or the corporate house, every citizen needs to take care of the environment to leave the earth as a better place for future generations.

"Plastic gives a helping hand,

But they are defiling our country!”

Soil Pollution Essay 500 Words


Soil pollution is one of the major threats facing our world and the main reason behind this issue is human activities.

Human beings behave very irresponsibly when it comes to serving nature which provides us with many gifts and blessings.

Soil is the gift of nature on which we live, walk, find source of food, grow food, etc. But anything done excessively becomes toxic to the environment. Careless use of soil has increased the soil pollution rate which will eventually make the land unusable and non-reusable.

land pollution:

This invisible suffering appears when the concentration of pollutants on the surface becomes so high that it harms land biodiversity and threatens the health, especially through food.

Activities such as stock breeding and intensive farming use chemicals, pesticides and fertilizers to pollute the land, as do heavy metals and other natural and man-made chemical substances.

Soil or land pollution is a global threat that is particularly severe in regions such as Europe, Eurasia, Asia and North Africa, as indicated by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations.

The FAO also confirms that both rapid and even moderate declines are already affecting a third of the world's soils. Furthermore, recovery is so slow that it would take 1,000 years to create a 1 centimeter layer of arable soil.

Treatment of heavy metal contaminated soil:

Various treatment methods have been developed for heavy metal-contaminated soils.

In-situ, contaminant removal/extraction treatment techniques are more favorable.

The methods of landfilling, soil washing and freezing are well established.

Electrokinetic extraction, chemical immobilization, and phytoremediation are imprecise.

Treatability studies are important for selecting viable soil treatment techniques.


Soil contamination by heavy metals is a significant environmental problem, while the field applicability of existing remediation technologies has faced several constraints, such as long operation times, high chemical costs, large energy consumption, secondary pollution and soil erosion.

Here we report the design and demonstration of a remedial method based on the concept of asymmetric alternating current electrochemistry that detects high levels of contaminants for various heavy metals (copper, lead, cadmium) at various initial concentrations (from 100 to 10,000 ppm). Achieves the removal of substances. After all rational treatment times (from 30-min to 6-h) are reaching the corresponding regulation level for the residential scenario.

No excessive nutrient loss is observed in the treated soil and no secondary toxic products are produced. Long-term experiments and plant assays demonstrate the high stability of this method and its feasibility for agricultural use.

Soil Pollution Facts:

Soil pollution occurs when soil contaminants exceed a certain threshold that can pose risks to human health and ecosystems or are well above natural background levels.

Soil pollution can affect humans through inhalation, direct skin contact, consumption of poisonous vegetables and fruits grown on contaminated land, as well as the use or contact of toxic underground water that is spread back to the ground. . Various medical conditions can be caused by exposure to toxic compounds produced as a result of soil pollution.

Over time, what may have started out as small amounts can reach considerable concentrations depending on environmental conditions (including soil types) and the degradation of the released contaminant, and can result in soil poisoning. Is.

For example, metals are not degradable and can accumulate and concentrate in surface soils over time. However, not all metals behave the same. Some metals can infiltrate deeper soils, especially if rainfall is high (arsenic is one such example), while many other metals stick to the soil surface and are adsorbed by soil particles.

Causes of Soil Pollution:

One type of action that causes soil pollution is the overuse of fertilizers. The development of agriculture introduced chemical fertilizers to the market to produce more crops within a time frame without being affected by external and internal factors. These chemical fertilizers used in an uncontrolled manner will eventually destroy the natural fertility of the soil and over time make it a barren land which can lead to soil pollution.

The same happens with insecticides, insecticides, herbicides, etc. Chemically produced materials to keep insects and other small organisms away from crops, living areas etc. are actually harmful to our land. They slowly suck up all the goodness of the soil resulting in destruction and soil pollution.

Industrialization is another cause of soil pollution. Excessive production of industrial waste that gets on land will make the soil unsuitable for further use as it will be contaminated with chemicals from the waste. Not only waste from factories but also from households and other organic wastes create soil pollution like plastic, unprocessed organic waste etc.

Physical wastes not only affect the soil and result in soil pollution but are also radioactive. Radiation from various industries and activities like mining, nuclear power processing etc. is a major threat to the soil which causes soil pollution.

Soil erosion is a natural cause which results in soil pollution. This natural calamity washes away all the goodness of the soil and makes it unfit for any kind of use and also contaminates the soil along with other wastes.

Effects of Soil Pollution:

All these industrial, urban, radioactive and organic wastes will be dumped in the soil without processing and management, which will cause huge amount of soil pollution and threaten the life of human, animal and other living beings who all live on land in some way or the other. are dependent on. Huh. ,

All these contaminations in the soil eventually turn into the crops, plants and other products that we cultivate on the land.

The chemicals released from wastes, radiations etc. are absorbed by the roots and this chemically contaminated food is consumed by animal, bird, human etc. By consuming it the living species will suffer from many kinds of diseases, both physically and mentally.

Chemically concentrated fertilizers and pesticides used for better production of crops are actually a curse to the organisms that eat them.

Soil pollution due to these types of chemicals causes physical and mental disabilities in human beings. Even newborn children are affected by soil pollution, making them handicapped and retarded.

Soil pollution has to be controlled and otherwise, every living being will face a major calamity which will eventually destroy everything we had.

Health Effects of Soil Pollution:

Polluted or contaminated soil directly affects human health. Soil contamination poses a greater risk from groundwater infiltration into aquifers when there is direct contact with soil or by inhalation of vaporized soil contaminants that are used for consumption by humans. Some of the effects of soil pollution on health include skin rash, burning eyes, fatigue, nausea, headache, liver conditions, kidney problems and leukemia.

Treatment of Soil Pollution:

Polluted soil is sometimes excavated and either treated, disposed of, or replaced with clean soil. Excavations are used where there are old drums of buried debris or chemicals. "In situ" or on-site, treatment may include chemical, biological, electrical or thermal treatment.

Unlike the atmosphere and water, which are rapidly decontaminated, soil, although it has a high self-healing capacity due to chemical, physical and biological mechanisms, remains contaminated for a long time. It was observed that the amount of water corresponding to tens of years of rainfall is not sufficient to reduce the heavy metals content in the polluted soil.

The presence of polluting compounds in soils, especially highly toxic ones, can represent a risk to human health and the environment, and requires improvement activities. Land reclamation may be based on inactivation or degradation of pollutants (they are converted into less hazardous or hazardous substances) or on their removal using chemical, physical or biological treatments.

Improvements are generally carried out in areas close to agricultural land and industrial areas or abandoned dumps. Keep the lawn in your yard well-vegetated and irrigated to reduce any health risks from soil poisoning. Evaluate and test your garden soil for contamination through accumulation.

Test the soil before allowing your kids to play on the field - if you live in or near an industrial area, mining area, or main airport, port, landfill or foundry. Test the soil of your future crops before growing any food items.

Best Speech on Land Pollution:

Soil or land pollution can be defined as "change in physical, chemical and biological conditions of soil through human intervention/misuse of land and consequent decline in soil quantity and productivity. Soils are both inorganic and organic." made of substances.

These coarse particles cover the upper surface of the Earth. The organic part of the soil consists of the dead remains of plants and animals, while the inorganic part is made up of rock fragments and minerals. The process of soil formation is thousands of years long and it is our moral duty to protect this important component of nature from all kinds of pollution.


Soil pollution is the reduction in soil quality through various natural processes and human actions that make the soil not suitable for the production of crops. Soil pollution is largely happening due to the human population which is increasing and at the same time there is progress in the life of human beings.

Major causes of soil pollution include forest fires, soil erosion which is excessive, pesticides (herbicides and insecticides), chemical fertilizers, biocides, deforestation, over-irrigation, water logging, water irrigation which is untreated, drought, leaching, industrial and urban waste, etc.

Studies have shown that soil pollution is increasing at an alarming rate in urban and rural areas alike. Research has shown that the amount of fertilizers (chemicals) used by farmers to increase crop production has increased by about five million tonnes between 1980 and 1981, and by about eighteen million tonnes between 1990 and 2000.

These chemicals, which are toxic, enter the human body from the food chain and cause harm to newborns by causing physical deformities and defects of the neural tubes.

"join the revolution,

avoid retaliation,

Take a pledge to stop pollution."

Also read: 10 Lines on Soil Pollution in English

Also read: Essay on environmental pollution

Also read: Essay on pollution



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