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Elements of Western Culture have had a very influential role on cultures of the world

Elements of Western Culture have

Elements of Western Culture have had a very influential role on the cultures of the world. How are these elements different from those of Indian culture? What according to you, should we as Indians adopt from the West to make life more meaningful. 

 Introduction - Colonization by the European powers resulted in Western culture influencing different cultures of the world. 

• How is Western culture different from Indian culture 

 Western culture is individually oriented resulting in nuclear families while Indian culture is family-oriented It is more self-centred and materialistic. It is flexible and practical with few customs and traditions while Indian culture is the oldest, caters to different religions and is spiritually oriented It is open and exhibitionist in nature resulting in immoral social conduct, not approved in Indian society

 Good things we can adopt from the West are Issues like gender equality, human rights and a progressive outlook on life. 

• Conclusion - Western culture is versatile, and individualistic but also progressive and self-dependent. Need to imbibe this good thing without forgetting our culture and values The rapid colonization of different parts of the world by the European powers in the last two centuries resulted in elements of the Western culture influencing different cultures of countries under their rule. The British also considerably influenced Indian culture as they ruled the country for well over two centuries. 

Western culture is primarily individual oriented resulting in nuclear families with fewer kinship bonds. It is thus common to find 18-year-old teenagers moving out from their parent's home to stay on their own. 

On the other hand Indian culture is more family oriented with strong family and kinship ties. Unfortunately, this fad of nuclear families is fast catching up in India, where such families are on the rise, especially in metros. 

This is however more on account of economic reasons rather than social or cultural. The family values, ethos, and respect that we have for our elders differentiate us from other cultures of the world. 

The individualistic and self-centred character of Western culture is primarily on account of the society being highly materialistic, attaching a lot of importance to wealth, power and success. On the other hand, we in India attach a lot of importance to customs and family values than material gains.

Western culture being flexible and practical has fewer customs and traditions to be followed. Our culture is the oldest, richest and the most diverse of all cultures in the world. This is because we have different religious and social customs in different parts of the country that bind us into a large family. 

We thus offer a unique example of unity in diversity to the world. Such customs enrich our lives, making the individual and society more pleasant and peaceful. It is indeed a paradox that while we are adopting a Western lifestyle, the people in the West are looking up to India for peace and salvation. 

They flock to India in search of peace through meditation and yoga. The Western culture being open and exhibitionist in nature, has led to immoral social conduct. This is reflected in their clothes, mannerisms and behaviour. 

Indian society does not approve of such immoral conduct. However with the onslaught of western TV programs, beamed through satellite, a cultural invasion is gradually taking place. Indian society has also been influenced with the impact being more discernable in the metros.

This is not to suggest, that there is nothing good in Western culture, which we In India can- not adopt. There are many important issues like gender equality, human rights and a progressive outlook on life, which we can adopt from the West. 

This will make our lives more meaningful and also develop society and the nation. Western culture is no doubt more versatile and individualistic in nature. Nevertheless, it has taught us to be progressive and self-dependent. We should however not blindly adopt it with all its ills. We have a tradition of imbibing the good thing from others, without forgetting our culture and values.

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