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Essay on how to prevent depletion of natural resources

Essay on how to prevent depletion of natural resources

Essay on how to prevent depletion of natural resources

One of the biggest problems our world faces today is we are blindly depleting natural resources. This has been going on for a long time, but from the beginning of the industrial age, the rate of the depletion of natural resources has grown exponentially. 

This problem is getting worse as populations and consumption keep growing faster than technology finds new ways what can be produced from the natural world. I am all for technical progress but we need to understand that the rate at which we are destroying our planet could cause irreversible effects.

We need to think about what kind of world we want to leave for our children, and therefore we should start taking some drastic measures. 

Many of the governments of the developed countries have signed all sorts of treaties regarding this problem, and this is a good start, but I believe that the power to make a real difference lies in our own hands. 

If each and every one of us would become more self-conscious about the depletion of natural resources and would start doing on his or her part, only then will the conservation efforts pay off. There are many ways in which anyone can contribute to the conservation effort, but I believe the most effective way is to stop using natural resources which they really don’t need. 

The main strategy of maintaining natural resources so that they will still remain for our descendants for a long time. 

  • Write on both sides of the paper. 
  • Drink from glass or reusable hard, plastic cups instead of paper cups or plastic cups.
  • Use cloth towels and napkins instead of paper towels and napkins. 
  • Turn old clothes into new clothes by trading with a friend. 
  • Take a cloth bag to the grocery store instead of paper bags or plastic bags. 

These examples are well known and everyone gets used to them. Next, I will introduce more detail about conserving natural resources. 

1. Energy-saving homes

I think that the first step each and every one of us should take in order to stop depleting natural resources is to understand that our day to day habits affect the way we consume our planet’s natural resources. 

I’m talking first of all about the home we leave in. In architecture, the growing trend is to build the so-called passive houses. These buildings are so well insulated that the heat exchange with the exterior is minimal. Therefore, you don’t need to waste precious energy to heat up your home in the winter. 

2. Energy-efficient commercial buildings

The problem is not only with where people live, but also where they work as well. Commercial buildings are notoriously big energy consumers and if we want to do something about depleting natural resources, this can be where to start. 

3. Replant our cities

The biggest problem regarding depleting natural resources can be seen in the cities. Almost all the plant life has had to make way for ever-expanding financial or commercial centres. No, we find ourselves in cities that are being suffocated because there are no plants to reduce the pollution and provide us with fresh fruits and vegetables. 

Think of how much energy is wasted through the constant shifting of fresh products from farmlands to the big cities. A great solution is to start with planting small gardens on the roofs in the buildings in the cities. It’s not that hard, and the rewards are immense.

4. Eco-friendly energy

Another way through which we could stop depleting natural resources is to focus all our efforts on renewable energy sources. The days of using fossil fuels seem to be numbered, because in about a hundred years, at the rate of our consumption there won’t be any left. 

The future is harnessing the power of rivers, wind turbines and solar energy. Here, I want to inform you more about renewable energy resources that are unlimited and clean energy. Hydropower The pressure moving water turns turbines that create energy. 

Hydropower may use rivers waterfalls or the sea but hydropower can have environmental effects on aquatic lives. 

Wind, Large turbines are placed on the top of hills or offshore. The wind turns the blades and energy is generated. Wind turbines are relatively cheap and have zero pollution. Solar, Solar panels absorb sunlight and using photovoltaic cells turn it into electricity. Solar panels are zero pollution but they can only operate for certain times of the day 

5. Garbage management

Another key factor in the quest for a cleaner planet is how we will be able to manage our garbage in the future. A huge part of what we throw away can be and should be reused, and therefore, we won’t always be on the hunt for ways of extracting resources from our planet. 

6. Save fossil fuel

Fossil fuel is a non-renewable energy. Preventing the depletion of fossil fuels is usually discussed in terms of using less gasoline and electricity which is typically produced through the burning of fossil fuels. 

Driving less and carpooling more are obvious ways to conserve gasoline. Other consumer purchases that support the conservation of fossil fuels include buying a vehicle with high gas mileage and purchasing energy star appliances. 

7. Clean Water

Water may seem like a ubiquitous, never-ending resource but as the population increase, the access to clean water decreases There are several steps you can take around your home to make sure that you are not wasting clean water. 

One major step is to check for water leaks by reading your water meter. Another effective way to conserve water is to close the water pump when not using it. 

8. Trees and forests

Trees and forests With approximately 4 billion trees being cut annually to satiate our world's need for paper alone, preventing the depletion of forests still be an important priority. 

There are many opportunities in your daily life to reduce the use of paper, from using more cloth towels instead of paper towels. Or you can use E-book rather than real books. When visiting the local forest, it is important for you to act responsibly. Or you can participate in the campaign of growing trees. 

6. Stop using resources you don’t need

And now, getting back where we began, I have to say that it depends on every one of us to make a change. For example, stop leaving water on while you are brushing your teeth, it’s just wasteful. Seven is Reuse, Reduce and Recycle Reuse means to use again especially in different ways. 

Don't throw out clothes, toys, furniture, and other things that you don't need anymore. Somebody else can use them. You should bring them to a centre of collects donations, give them to friends, or even have a yard sale. 

Reduce means using fewer resources in the first place. Close the water pump and electrical equipment when not using it. 

Recycling is the process of collecting and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash and turning them into new products Used papers taken up through the recycling process create eco papers. 

7. Coastal ecosystem

Coastal ecosystems are not just only important for maintaining biodiversity, they are also extremely valuable for fishing and tourism industries. 

Whether living near a coastal area or not, seafood consumers should be aware of how their purchasing decisions affect the environment. Reefs are sensitive to disturbances so we should approach them with care and respect. 

Finally, I will summarize what we have recently talked about. Like our world, nowadays, we are facing a problem such as running out of natural resources and global warming. 

Those dilemmas are all caused by humans. So, we have to take urgent action before it is too late. We should be aware of our own behaviour and think before use. You can also use our strategy mentioned recently. 

Keep in mind that every single action has an impact on the environment. If everyone in the world has responsibilities for their own action. The world will be a lot more beautiful, peaceful, and filled up with brilliant smiles. 

Also read: Essay On Healthy Air Healthy Planet

Also read: Essay On Strategy Of 6r's- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover, Redesign, Remanufacture

Also read: Essay On Mainstreaming alternatives to Single Use Plastic Products through Innovation and Creativity

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Also read: Essay on principles of reduce reuse and recycle




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