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Key Features of BSc. In MRIT Course

Key Features of BSc. In MRIT Course

B.Sc. MRIT Course is a 3 year graduation programme. In this program, The Priority during the initial year should be on the educational Theory and practice establishing a strong scientific basis and engagement with the course Fundamentals. During the second and third years of training, the focus should be laid on the method of refining the acquired theoretical knowledge and its application to clinical/reflective practice.

In a Bachelor's degree programme, a minimum of one year should be devoted to clinical practice and this should be on a continuum of rotation from theory to practice over the programme. The 4 years degree programme aims to enable the development of the medical radiology and imaging technologist as a key member of the multidisciplinary team and to enable him/her to execute advanced preparation/ planning/delivery as well as quality assurance.


  • Candidates who are willing to get admission should have passed 10 + 2 with science with a Minimum percentage of marks: 50% aggregate and 55%in PCB.

  • Direct entry for the student who has appeared and cleared the national level entrance exam based on ranks and limited seats would be offered to such students.

  • Eligibility criteria may differ from university to university or institution.



  • Anatomy

  • Physiology

  • Pathology

  • Generation and Properties of X-Ray

  • Radiation Hazards Protection

  • General Radiography-I  

  • Computer Skills

  • Communication Skill


  • General Radiography-II & Special Investigation

  • Ultrasound

  • Ct-Scan-I

  • MRI-I


  • Doppler & Echocardiography

  • Ct-Scan-II 

  • MRI-II 

  • Nuclear Medicine & Pet Scan 

  • Intervention in Diagnostic Radiology

  • Anesthesia in Diagnostic Radiology

  • Project Report 


The exam is conducted in 2 sections as mentioned below and students are prepared for it.

Theory Paper: The division of the course has 30% Continuous Internal Assessment and 70% University Examinations. 

Practical Paper: The division of the course has 30% Continuous Internal Assessment and 70 % University Examinations.

Schedule of Examination:

  • The university may conduct 2 examinations internally to prepare students for the annual examination conducted by the university.  

  • A student who completes the requirements of an institute like attendance. Advancement and other essentials by the university or college are qualified to appear in the final examination.

The main Goals of the program:

  1. The best paramedical college provides professional and clinical training to qualified technologists with the help of this course.

  2. Paramedical colleges provide education with a comprehensive program that promotes problem-solving, critical thinking and communication skills in the clinical environment. 

  3. This course ensures that Students will demonstrate quality patient care skills including professionalism and Ethical behaviors as specified in the code of ethics.

  4. Graduate trainees with distinct skills essential to be qualified entry-level.

Career Opportunities after BSc. in MRIT Course

  • X-rays: After completing the course one can serve in any X-ray imaging centre and serve there and utilize the skills and knowledge that he has gained from this program. After this course, students are perfect and can easily perform all tasks that are required in X-ray imaging centers.

  • Mammography: You can also choose Mammography as a job as it is also a job option. Nowadays it has become a good career option as they are very helpful for cancer patients. The mammography is specially conducted on females on their breasts if they have any symptoms of cancer. The small burst of X-rays on the breasts of the patient passes to a sensor located on the opposite side with the usefulness of an X-ray device.

  • Fluoroscopy: Students can choose a fluoroscopy and become a fluoroscopy technician as it is a procedure in medical imaging that shows a constant X-ray image on a monitor so the abnormality can be detected. It is conducted as an X-ray movie. One can choose it as a career option as it is also a high-paying job.

  • CT (computed tomography): You can become a CT Technologist and perform tests and processes using computerised tomography (CT) equipment to interpret medical conditions and provide the results so Physicians can provide proper treatment of patients.

  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging): One can become an MRI technologist and serve at any Radiology and Imaging centre. Now this is one of the most preferred jobs and easily you can get a job at any government or private hospital.

  • Nuclear medicine: After completing your BSc. In medical radiology and imaging technology you can also become an assistant to any nuclear medicine physician and provide your service in any public or private hospital, clinic or with any physician.

  • Angiography: An angiogram is a diagnostic technique that is used in imaging to show your provider how your blood flows through your blood vessels or heart. The implant contrasts material which makes it easy to inspect where blood is moving and where blockages are. X-rays or other types of imaging for angiograms. You can also join this after completing your course.


This is one of the most demanding courses nowadays as students are taking part in this course and it does not require NEET.  This could be a good course as some of the best paramedical colleges in Delhi also provide proper Training and Placement assistance for their students which are also a first step in the journey of professional life.

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