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Diary Entry On First Day Of School


Diary Entry On First Day Of School

Diary Entry On First Day Of School For Class 1 

Date: [Date]

Dear Diary,

Today was my first day of school, and it was so much fun! I was a little bit nervous in the morning, but also very excited to see what school is like.

I woke up early and put on my new school uniform. It felt so nice and made me feel like a big kid. Mom and Dad helped me pack my school bag with my crayons, notebooks, and a snack.

When I reached school, there were lots of kids and everyone seemed happy. My teacher is really nice and she introduced herself with a big smile. She showed us around the classroom, and I saw a big blackboard and colorful posters.

We sat in a circle and talked about our names and favorite things. I made some new friends, and we played with building blocks and puzzles. During the day, we also colored pictures and sang songs together.

At lunchtime, I opened my lunchbox and saw my favorite sandwich. I ate with my new friends and we laughed a lot. Then we went outside to play on the swings and slides. It was so much fun!

When the school day ended, I felt a little bit tired but really happy. I hugged my teacher and said goodbye to my friends. Mom and Dad were waiting for me, and I told them all about my first day at school.

I'm excited to go back tomorrow and learn more fun things. School is really cool!


[Your Name]

Diary Entry On First Day Of School For Class 4 

Date: [Date]

Dear Diary,

Today was the much-anticipated first day of school, and it turned out to be quite an adventure! Although I was a mixture of nerves and excitement when I woke up this morning, I was determined to make the most of this new school year.

As I got dressed in my school uniform, a sense of anticipation filled the air. It felt a bit strange wearing the uniform after the long break, but also kind of official and grown-up.

Walking into the school yard, I was greeted by the buzz of activity – students reuniting after the break, teachers welcoming us back, and the general feeling of new beginnings. I met up with my friends and we exchanged stories about our summer vacations.

The moment I stepped into the classroom, a mix of familiarity and novelty enveloped me. Our teacher introduced herself with a warm smile, instantly making us feel at ease. She talked about the subjects we'd be studying and the exciting activities planned for the year. I couldn't help but feel curious about what's in store.

Meeting my classmates was an interesting experience. Some were friends from the previous year, and some were new faces. We introduced ourselves, and I realized we were all in the same boat – starting a new grade and embracing new challenges together.

Throughout the day, we engaged in ice-breaking activities and got to know our classmates better. Lunchtime was a chance to catch up with friends and share stories about the holidays. It was comforting to find that my friends from last year were in the same class as me.

As the school day came to an end, I reflected on the day's events. It had been a mix of excitement, curiosity, and the joy of reconnecting with friends. I felt a sense of accomplishment, as the first day went smoother than I had imagined.

As I jot down these thoughts, I can't help but look forward to the rest of the school year. I'm excited about the lessons, the projects, and the new memories waiting to be made.

Until tomorrow,

[Your Name]

Diary Entry On First Day Of School For Class 6 

Date: [Date]

Dear Diary,

Today was a mixture of excitement, anticipation, and a hint of nervousness – it was my first day of school after the long summer break. As I woke up this morning, the feeling of going back to school was both strange and thrilling.

I put on my new uniform, which felt crisp and official. It's amazing how a simple change in clothing can make everything feel so different. My heart raced a bit faster as I picked up my backpack and headed out the door.

Walking towards the school, I noticed that everything looked the same, yet somehow different. The schoolyard was bustling with students – some excited, some shy, and some reuniting with friends after the break. The sound of laughter and chattering filled the air, making the atmosphere lively.

When the bell rang, we all gathered in our designated classrooms. Our teacher walked in with a warm smile, introducing herself and making us feel welcome. She spoke about the subjects we would be studying and the exciting things we would be doing throughout the year. I listened attentively, trying to take in all the new information.

Meeting my classmates was a mixture of curiosity and anticipation. Some faces were familiar from last year, while others were completely new. We exchanged introductions and smiles, all of us in the same boat – stepping into a new grade and embarking on a new adventure together.

The school day passed by quickly, filled with classroom activities and getting to know each other better. Lunchtime was a chance to catch up with old friends and make new ones. I was relieved to find out that my friends from last year were in the same class as me. It made the day feel a bit more familiar and comforting.

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. The first day was over, and it wasn't as daunting as I had imagined. In fact, it was a day filled with new experiences, reconnecting with friends, and a glimmer of what the rest of the school year might hold.

As I write this entry, I can't help but smile. The first day of school turned out to be a great start, and I'm excited to see what the coming days have in store for me.

Until tomorrow,

[Your Name]

Diary Entry On First Day Of School For Class 8 

Date: [Date]

Dear Diary,

Today marked the beginning of a new school year, and I must admit, I had a mix of emotions as I stepped into the school grounds. The first day is always a blend of excitement, curiosity, and a hint of nervousness, but I was determined to make it a memorable start.

As I got dressed in my school uniform, I couldn't help but notice how much I had grown over the summer. The uniform felt familiar, yet somehow different, as if it were a symbol of the new experiences that awaited.

Walking into the classroom, I was greeted by a mix of familiar faces and some new ones. Our teacher introduced herself, and her enthusiasm put us all at ease. She shared the year's curriculum, highlighting the subjects we'd be diving into and the projects we'd undertake. It was thrilling to know that there was so much to look forward to.

Interacting with my classmates was interesting. Some were old friends from previous grades, while others were new to the class. We exchanged stories about our vacations and discussed our hopes for the coming year. It was comforting to see that we were all in this together, navigating the first day as a team.

Throughout the day, we engaged in ice-breaking activities that helped us get to know each other better. Lunchtime brought the joy of reuniting with friends from last year and making new connections. The afternoon sessions were a mix of introductions to different subjects and the distribution of textbooks – a tangible reminder that the academic year was officially in motion.

As the school day drew to a close, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. The first day had gone smoothly, and I had already formed new friendships and rekindled old ones. It was a day of anticipation and excitement, but it also marked the start of routines, responsibilities, and the quest for knowledge.

Writing in this diary, I can't help but look ahead with eagerness. The first day was just the beginning of a journey that promises growth, learning, and the creation of lasting memories.

Until tomorrow,

[Your Name]

Also read: Diary Entry On Daily Routine In Holidays 

Also read: My daily routine paragraph in English

Also read: Essay on daily routine under lockdown for student

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