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My Vision for India in 2047 Essay in English 400 Words

My Vision for India in 2047 Essay

My Vision for India in 2047 Essay in English 400 Words

India of my vision where women are educated. My vision for India in 2047 is to make women more powerful and empowered. We must ensure the safety and education of women and children and provide equal freedom to all.

Poor children should get an education. There should be no difference between rich and poor. There should be no discrimination on caste, color, sex, and economic status.

May there be peace everywhere, harmony is my vision for India in 2047.

India must remain secular, a land of peace, prosperity, and truth. Our country should remain secular where all religions are treated equally. The problems of Indian agriculture should be solved.

In 2047, I envision that India should be self-sufficient in food and housing for all, and we should have eco-friendly, carbon-free, and green development with optimum utilization of resources.

In 2047, I envision that India should transform into an energy-independent nation, and at the same time, India should become a self-reliant and developed country.

The whole world respects and recognizes India's strength. I want our country to become the world's largest economy by 2047. We should all work together to achieve this in the next 25 years.

India should be the best friend of its neighboring countries. I am completely optimistic and I think India will reach greater heights by 2047. I want to see India as the strongest nation in the world.

My Vision for India in 2047 Essay in English 

India is a populous Asian country with a rich history. It's also home to the endangered Bengal tiger, one of the world's largest mammals. India shares borders with Pakistan, China, Bangladesh and Myanmar. 

Over its history, India has seen massive changes and growth. Its independence from British rule on August 15th 1947 marked a major turning point in the world. India is now among the fastest-growing economies in the world and is home to one of the world's most valued collections of gems and jewelry. 

India is also a major contributor to the fashion industry thanks to its thriving textile sector. 

Although India has many positive aspects, it also faces challenges associated with rapid growth. Here are my thoughts on how India will change in the next 50 years.

Growth and change will continue to be two major characteristics of India in 2047. The population of India as of 2016 was 1.357 billion, making it the third most populous country in the world. 

By 2047, India's population is expected to reach 1.4 billion people- which makes it one of the ten most populous countries in the world at that time. India is also expected to become one of the ten most economically powerful countries in the world by 2047. 

Rapid economic growth has led to increased purchasing power among Indian consumers and increased competition among Indian businesses. This has led to widespread changes in Indian society and culture over the last few decades.

Digital India is another area where rapid change is happening in 2047. The Indian economy is forecast to grow at a rapid pace through 2047. 

However this rapid growth creates extra opportunities for businesses to expand and create jobs for Indians. 

Digital technology will play a major role in this expansion by helping people make money transfers, manage inventory and track products throughout the supply chain. 

This can improve economic conditions for Indians and boost economic growth along with it.

Changes are also coming to Indian politics as it approaches 70th year since independence from British rule. Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government passed several reforms during 

Its first five years, including strengthening democracy and tightening control over civil services agencies. It also ratified an amendment to Article 370

which accedes Kashmir's fate to an independent nation after a referendum this year. 

This is an ambitious goal considering that over 60 million Indians live outside of their country today- making it one of the world's largest diasporas.

One thing that will not change by 2047 is India's commitment to peace, democracy, and human rights. 

The country maintains strict laws against corruption, terrorism, racial discrimination and casteism despite its growing economy and population size. 

Freedom of speech is also protected despite controversial topics being discussed online- as seen with #MeToo movement in other countries. Despite these commitments to democracy, there have been suspected instances of electoral fraud along with rising nationalism that can lead to civil unrest in some areas of the country since independence from British rule 50 years ago this month.

My thoughts on how India will change in the next 50 years are positive because of many recent accomplishments- as well as areas where rapid change is needed.

Digital India will help create jobs for Indians while keeping peace, democracy and human rights strong at home. 

The nation will remain one of the ten most populous countries in the world by 2047 as well as one of the ten most economically powerful nations in that period as well. 

Only time will tell whether my predictions come true when I publish them next year!

Also read: Essay on Stepping into 2047 How India will Become a Developed Nation 

Also read: Essay on My vision for India @ 100 years

Also read: Essay on my Vision for India in 2047 



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