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Essay On Yoga making India global in 250 to 500 Words


Essay On Yoga making India global

Essay On Yoga making India global

"Yoga us a Journey of self
 It makes India Global and disciplined"

Yoga is a well-known term these days, it is called a spiritual discipline that is based on subtle science that aims at attaining harmony between body and mind.

This is also referred to as science and art for achieving healthy living. The derivation of the word yoga is considered from the Sanskrit word "Yuj" The waning of Yuj is to join or Yoke is to unite. 

In India, the practice of Yoga started centuries ago. In the present time as well, It is followed by many due to its benefits for health as well as the overall life. 

In other words, we can say Yoga is the ancient way to attain physical, mental, and spiritual practice. Yoga originated in  India. Yoga has been practiced in India for about 500 Years in advance people know its benefits, and it has been done before it become popular in the world. 

"India is a birth country of Yoga
It makes popular and global India"

Yoga is an Indian tradition that we have gifted the world which is making India Global Yoga enables the expansion of physical and mental abilities and helps us become the best version of ourselves. 

This is the reason yoga has gained unprecedented popularity across the globe with people in the united states of America, Canada, Countries in Europe, Japan, and South Korea adopting and practicing yoga in large numbers. 

Yoga is a drugless Indian system that emphasizes stress management, lifestyle, and diet correction to reduce the increasing prevalence of non-communicable diseases like diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and even cancer, yoga truly is one of the many ways India contributes to making the world a better place. 

As Indians, it is our duty to not just embrace the great Indian tradition but also to promote it globally as a tool of harmony and universal brotherhood. 

"Yoga is a good solution
become healthy and live 
without tension"

Essay On Yoga making India global

I Love yoga for various reasons. Yoga has given me the gift of health and vitality. If you never tried yoga, here are reasons why we should.
Yoga is for both the body and Mind :
Yoga has long been considered a physical, Mental, and spiritual practice. The stretches and poses reduce the stress hormone Cortisol in the body. Our Muscles get a workout while our brain gets a break.
Yoga allows me to Move at my own pace :
I Love yoga because there is no stress of competition or comparison. I can work on my tree pose as fast or as slow as i like. I will probably never master the headstand. But who Cares? There is no pressure and I slowly improve.

Yoga reminds me to live in the movement:
The deep breath, the positive words from the instructor the Slow and steady Movements for each pose, all these things help me to stay in the present. I can forget about everything that happened before I come to yoga and everything I need to do after. It's like getting a break from my brain.
Yoga Eases My Aches and Pains:
Another benefit of yoga is how I feel afterward; relaxed" Calm and able to handle Whatever is coming next. The pain and tension I come into the School with are left behind when I leave I also tend to sleep better after a yoga session

Essay On Yoga making India global

I love Yoga because... Yoga is the source of my happiness that my body needs in daily life.

Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines that originated in ancient India. The word "Yoga" is derived from the Sanskrit root "Yuj" meaning 'to unite', 'to yoke', or 'to join'. And the full form of Yoga is - Your Objectives, Guidelines, and Assessment.
The practice of Yoga indicates a perfect harmony between mind, body, and soul. As per the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita -
Yoga - is the devotion to work Yoga - is the control of the mind and senses
Yoga - is a procedure to attain concentration toward destiny
Yoga - is a devotional pathway to spirituality
So, Yoga improves our lives and attain peace and happiness in life.

How do I practice Yoga?

Yoga can be practiced at any age and it should be part of our daily schedule. I started practicing Yoga in my childhood. My parents inspired me to practice Yoga and now it becomes a part of my life. I always keep these five points in mind to optimize my Yoga practice.

I take shower or bath early in the morning.
I don't eat anything before Yoga practice.
I wear loose-fitting comfortable clothes. I consume neem and turmeric before Yoga practice. I start with an invocation

I love Yoga because

As we all know Yoga offers flexibility to the body and relaxation to the mind. Regular practice of Yoga can help in controlling our emotions also. Here I am saying why I love Yoga.

Yoga has improved my strength, balance, and flexibility. After doing Yoga I feel less stressed and more relaxed. Yoga relaxes me and helps me to sleep better.

Yoga has taught me patience, endurance, and to be kind with a joyful mind. Yoga builts my self-confidence through self-control. row Yoga keeps my heart healthy and keeps me away from diseases.

So, Yoga is the source of my happiness that my body needs in daily life.
I love Yoga because Yoga makes me happy and healthy.



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