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My vision for India @100 years


My vision for India @100 years

My vision for India @100 years

India got independence on 15 August 1947. In 2047, India will celebrate the 100th anniversary of its independence. India has always been known for its heritage and unique culture. But in my vision for India in 2047, India should also be known as the most developed, healthy and happy country. There is a quote, "Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world." So, the first key to getting the title - most developed country, is education. Although the government is working hard to promote education.

But I think, if each of us can teach at least one person, we can bring a big change in society. Once people are educated they will be able to understand the importance of environment-friendly living and cleanliness. Cleanliness is the door to a healthy life. Only healthy people can make a prosperous country. I promise to do my best to achieve my vision for India in 2047.

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Essay on My Vision for India @ 100 Years

Introduction: India is a developing country that needs many things for development. India is going to complete 100 years of its independence and sovereignty, which inspires Indians to think big and make them strong. Body After 100 years of independence, my vision for India of 2047 is to be strong like the freedom fighters who fought for our country and lost their lives in making India an independent country. My vision for India to be self-reliant in 2047 In every decision so that the shortcomings can be overcome in a way that no one has, To struggle to find a home and earn his livelihood. In the year 2047, India should be known as a superpower and not a country that is not only known for its culture but also for its valour and defence capability.

The literacy rate should touch an all-time high percentage and people should become as humble and knowledgeable as our ancestors were in different eras. My vision for India in 100 years is to see that every family gets the resources they deserve and no one is sleeping without food or shelter or clothing. Conclusion: My vision for India is to develop in all areas and sectors like co-education, farmers, malnutrition, discrimination, pollution, corruption, infrastructure. poverty, unemployment and much more so that there is harmony among the people and a high chance of making it a developed country. In 2047 India should be able to overcome its shortcomings and those things which are there to make India a developed prosperous country.

My Vision for India @100 Years

India is a country with a rich heritage and unique culture. India has always been famous for its unique identity 'Unity in Diversity' India got independence from the British Empire on 15 August 1947. And in 2047, India will celebrate its 100th anniversary of independence. Here I want to share my vision for India in 2047. Eco-friendly India My vision for India is an eco-friendly India. Conserving water, driving less, walking more, planting more trees and using a battery electric vehicle is a good way to start. Educated India In 2047, I want to see India with the most literate people. The easiest and most effective way to achieve this is to 'teach each one, teach one. Clean India As there are a saying "Clean people and healthy people can make a rich country." I want India to be the cleanest country in the world by 2047. I want to achieve my dream - Swachh Bharat by just throwing garbage in the dustbin, not spitting on the streets and generating less waste. Healthy India I want to see India as a healthy India, fit India by 2047. For this, I pledge to donate my organs and I want to encourage other people also for this noble cause. , So that we all together can make India a healthy India. Corruption free India My vision for India is a corruption-free India. If we limit our wants and needs then we can easily make India corruption-free. I want to contribute to these small things for the progress of our beautiful country - To fulfil my dream for India of 2047 - Happy India.

Also read: Postcard On My Vision Of India In 2047 In English

Also read: My vision for India in 2047 postcard slogan



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