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Name of the gallantry award winner motivates me to


Name of the gallantry award winner motivates me to

Name of the gallantry award winner motivates me to

"The Gallantry Awards of our country, Pay honour to the Armed Forces sacrifice and bravery."

 Introduction - 

The Gallantry Awards have been instituted by the Government of India to honour the acts of bravery and sacrifice of the officers or personnel of the Armed Forces and civilians. Gallantry Awards are announced twice a year by the Ministry of Defence - once on Republic Day and another on Independence Day. 

Types of Gallantry Awards 

Gallantry Awards are classified into two categories. The first category of Gallantry Awards is - the Param Vir Chakra, the Maha Vir Chakra and the Vir Chakra, which were first instituted by the Government of India on 26th January 1950. The second category of Gallantry Awards are - the Ashoka Chakra, the Kirti Chakra and the Shaurya Chakra, which were first instituted by the Government of India on 4th January 1952. The Param Vir Chakra is the highest military award. It is awarded for the national bravery in the presence of the enemy, whether on land, at sea or in the air. 

Announced number of awardees 

The Ministry of Defence has been announced the following numbers of awardees in different categories.

  • Param Vir Chakra - 21
  • Ashoka Chakra - 97 
  • Maha Vir Chakra - 212 
  • Kirti Chakra - 483 
  • Vir Chakra - 1324 
  • Shaurya Chakra - 2096 

About some Gallantry winners 

Captain Vikram Batra (9 September 1974 - 7 July 1999) 

Was an officer of the Indian Army, posthumously awarded the Param Vir Chakra for his actions during the 1999 Kargil War, during which he led one of the most difficult mountain warfare operations in Indian military history. 

Neerja Bhanot (7 September 1963 - 5 September 1986) 

Ashoka Chakra, Neerja Bhanot, was an Indian head purser who died while saving passengers on Pan Am Flight 73, which had been hijacked by terrorists. 

Lt Col Mithali Madhumita 

She received the Sena Medal in 2011 for the exemplary courage and operation shown during the attack on the Indian Embassy by terrorists in Kabul, Afghanistan on 26 February 2010. Jammu and Kashmir and the northeastern states of Indian.

Major Dhan Singh Thappa (  10 April 1928 - 6 September 2005)

Major Dhan Singh Thappa was a war hero who was in command of a forwarding post in Ladakh. Thapa was a war hero who was in command of a forwarding post in Ladakh. on 20 October 1962, it was attacked by the Chinese in overwhelming strength after being subjected to intensive artillery are mortar bombardment. 


These are only about 4 great Gallantry winners. All the Gallantry winners choose the life of dignity, unwavering sense of duty. They always keep the nation's flag fly high. They inspire people to join the Indian Armed Forces to serve the country. We always salute their devotion and sacrifice for the country. 

Also read: Paragraph on gallantry award winner motivates me to

Also read: Essay on Mitali Madhumita How she inspires me to



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