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10 Lines On Picnic With Family in English


10 Lines On Picnic With Family in English

10 Lines On Picnic With Family for Class 1

1. Picnics with family are full of joy and fun.

2. We pack our basket with yummy food and drinks.

3. Mom prepares sandwiches and delicious snacks.

4. Dad carries a big picnic blanket for us to sit on.

5. We play games like catch and hide-and-seek.

6. Sometimes we fly kites and watch them soar high.

7. We listen to the birds chirping and the leaves rustling.

8. We explore nature and admire the colorful flowers.

9. Picnics bring us closer as a family and create beautiful memories.

10. As the sun sets, we pack up and head home, tired but happy.

10 Lines On Picnic With Family for Class 2

1. Picnics with family are exciting outdoor adventures.

2. We gather together and plan our picnic destination.

3. Mom packs delicious sandwiches, fruits, and snacks.

4. Dad brings along a big, checkered picnic blanket.

5. We find a cozy spot under the shade of a tree.

6. We laugh and play games like tag and frisbee.

7. Sometimes we go for a nature walk and explore.

8. We enjoy the fresh air and the chirping of birds.

9. Picnics create wonderful memories that last a lifetime.

10. As the day ends, we tidy up and head home, happy and content.

10 Lines On Picnic With Family for Class 3

1. Picnics with family are delightful outings we cherish.

2. We pack a picnic basket with tasty sandwiches and snacks.

3. Mom prepares refreshing lemonade to quench our thirst.

4. Dad carries a sturdy picnic blanket and a portable grill.

5. We set off to a scenic spot in the park or by the river.

6. Everyone pitches in to set up our picnic area together.

7. We enjoy playing games like badminton, frisbee, and soccer.

8. Sometimes we go for a nature walk to explore the surroundings.

9. Laughter fills the air as we share stories and jokes.

10. Picnics with family create unforgettable moments of joy and togetherness.

10 Lines On Picnic With Family for Class 4

1. Family picnics are wonderful occasions filled with joy.

2. We gather food, drinks, and games for our outdoor adventure.

3. Mom prepares sandwiches, salads, and delicious treats.

4. Dad brings a cooler filled with refreshing beverages.

5. We find a cozy spot in the park or near a sparkling stream.

6. Setting up our picnic area, we spread out the blanket and set the table.

7. We enjoy playing games like volleyball, frisbee, and tag.

8. Exploring nature, we discover fascinating plants and animals.

9. Sharing stories and laughter, we create cherished memories.

10. As the day ends, we clean up together, grateful for our time spent as a family.

10 Lines On Picnic With Family for Class 5

1. Family picnics are eagerly anticipated outdoor adventures.

2. We meticulously plan our picnic, selecting the perfect location.

3. Mom packs a variety of sandwiches, fruits, and snacks for everyone.

4. Dad loads up the cooler with refreshing drinks and ice.

5. Setting off with laughter and excitement, we head to our destination.

6. Arriving at the picnic spot, we spread out our colorful blanket.

7. We engage in friendly competitions like sack races and tug-of-war.

8. Exploring nature's wonders, we observe birds, butterflies, and flowers.

9. Sharing stories and jokes, we strengthen our family bond.

10. As the sun sets, we pack up, grateful for the joyful memories created together.

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