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10 Lines On Abdul Sattar Edhi In English


10 Lines On Abdul Sattar Edhi In English

10 Lines On Abdul Sattar Edhi for Class 1

1. Abdul Sattar Edhi was a kind and helpful person.

2. He was born in Pakistan and loved helping others.

3. Edhi worked hard to make the world a better place.

4. He built shelters for homeless people and cared for them.

5. Edhi also provided free healthcare to those in need.

6. He believed in treating everyone with love and respect.

7. Many people admired and respected Abdul Sattar Edhi.

8. He taught us the importance of helping those less fortunate.

9. Edhi's kindness and generosity inspired many people.

10. He will always be remembered as a hero for his selfless deeds.

10 Lines On Abdul Sattar Edhi for Class 2

1. Abdul Sattar Edhi was a famous philanthropist from Pakistan.

2. He dedicated his life to helping the poor and needy.

3. Edhi believed in the importance of compassion and empathy.

4. He founded the Edhi Foundation, which provided various services to the less fortunate.

5. Edhi's foundation offered shelter, healthcare, and education to those in need.

6. He believed in equality and helped people regardless of their background.

7. Edhi's selfless actions earned him respect and admiration worldwide.

8. He inspired others to contribute to society and make a difference.

9. Edhi's legacy continues to live on through the work of the Edhi Foundation.

10. He remains a symbol of kindness and generosity for generations to come.

10 Lines On Abdul Sattar Edhi for Class 3

1. Abdul Sattar Edhi was a kind-hearted man who lived in Pakistan.

2. He helped people who were poor, sick, or in trouble.

3. Edhi believed that everyone deserved love and care, no matter who they were.

4. He started the Edhi Foundation to help those in need.

5. The Edhi Foundation gave food, shelter, and medical care to people who needed it.

6. Abdul Sattar Edhi worked hard every day to make the world a better place.

7. Many people looked up to him and called him a hero.

8. He showed us that even small acts of kindness can make a big difference.

9. Edhi's love and compassion touched the lives of thousands of people.

10. He will always be remembered for his generosity and his big heart.

10 Lines On Abdul Sattar Edhi for Class 4

1. Abdul Sattar Edhi was a renowned humanitarian born in Pakistan.

2. He devoted his life to serving humanity and helping those in need.

3. Edhi founded the Edhi Foundation, one of the world's largest volunteer ambulance organizations.

4. His foundation provided emergency medical services, shelter, and assistance to the impoverished.

5. Edhi believed in the principle of selfless service and treated everyone equally.

6. He received numerous awards and honors for his humanitarian work, including the Nishan-e-Imtiaz, Pakistan's highest civilian award.

7. Edhi's compassion knew no bounds; he helped people irrespective of their religion, ethnicity, or background.

8. His dedication to social welfare inspired millions around the globe to engage in philanthropy.

9. Even after his passing, the legacy of Abdul Sattar Edhi continues to impact countless lives positively.

10. He remains a shining example of empathy, generosity, and humanity for people of all ages.

10 Lines On Abdul Sattar Edhi for Class 5

1. Abdul Sattar Edhi was a revered humanitarian who dedicated his life to serving others.

2. He was born in 1928 in India but later moved to Pakistan, where he became widely known for his philanthropy.

3. Edhi established the Edhi Foundation, which provided a range of social services including healthcare, education, and shelter to the needy.

4. He believed in the importance of selflessness and worked tirelessly to alleviate the suffering of the less fortunate.

5. Edhi's ambulance service became iconic, offering emergency medical care to those in distress across Pakistan.

6. He embraced people from all walks of life, regardless of their religion, ethnicity, or social status.

7. Edhi's unwavering commitment to humanitarianism earned him numerous accolades, including the Ramon Magsaysay Award.

8. His legacy continues to inspire countless individuals worldwide to contribute to the welfare of society.

9. Edhi's selfless actions and boundless compassion left an indelible mark on humanity.

10. He will forever be remembered as a beacon of hope and compassion, embodying the true essence of humanitarianism.

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