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10 Lines on Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar in English


Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar

10 Lines on Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar for Class 1 

1. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar was a great scholar and social reformer from India.

2. He was born in 1820 in West Bengal and lived during the British colonial period.

3. Vidyasagar's name means "ocean of knowledge," and he was known for his wisdom and intelligence.

4. He worked tirelessly to promote education for all, including girls and lower-caste children.

5. Vidyasagar was a champion of women's rights and worked towards improving their status in society.

6. He played a significant role in popularizing the Bengali language and literature.

7. Vidyasagar was a prolific writer and contributed to various fields, including literature, grammar, and mathematics.

8. He was also a compassionate and kind person, always helping those in need.

9. Vidyasagar's efforts in education and social reform continue to inspire generations of people.

10. His contributions to Indian society have left a lasting impact, and he is remembered as a true visionary and a great reformer.

10 Lines on Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar for Class 2

1. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar was a famous Indian scholar and social reformer.

2. He was born on September 26, 1820, in a small village in West Bengal.

3. Vidyasagar's parents were poor, but they valued education and supported his studies.

4. He excelled in his studies and became a renowned Sanskrit scholar at a young age.

5. Vidyasagar strongly believed in the importance of education for all, including girls and the underprivileged.

6. He worked hard to establish schools and promote the education of girls during a time when it was not common.

7. Vidyasagar also played a significant role in advocating for the remarriage of widows, which was a progressive idea during his time.

8. His efforts led to the passage of the Widow Remarriage Act in 1856, allowing widows to remarry and start a new life.

9. Vidyasagar's dedication to social reform and education earned him the title "Vidyasagar," meaning "ocean of knowledge."

10. He remains a revered figure in Indian history, and his contributions continue to inspire people to work towards a better and more inclusive society.

10 Lines on Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar for Class 3

1. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar was a prominent scholar, educator, and social reformer in 19th-century India.

2. He was born in 1820 in a village called Birsingha, now in West Bengal.

3. Vidyasagar was a brilliant student and mastered Sanskrit, philosophy, and literature at an early age.

4. He became the principal of Sanskrit College in Kolkata, where he introduced various reforms in education.

5. One of his significant contributions was the simplification of the Bengali alphabet, making it easier for children to learn.

6. Vidyasagar strongly believed in the rights of women and worked to promote their education and social status.

7. He fought against the prevalent practice of child marriage and advocated for widow remarriage, aiming to bring positive changes to society.

8. Vidyasagar's tireless efforts led to the passage of the Widow Remarriage Act of 1856.

9. He authored several books and his most famous work is "Barna Parichay," a primer for learning the Bengali alphabet.

10. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar's dedication to education and social reform made him a revered figure in Indian history, and his impact on society remains significant to this day.

10 Lines on Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar for Class 4

1. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, also known as Vidyasagar, was a remarkable figure in the Bengal Renaissance during the 19th century.

2. He was born in a poor Brahmin family on September 26, 1820, in the village of Birsingha, West Bengal, India.

3. Vidyasagar's love for learning led him to become a renowned scholar of Sanskrit and ancient Indian literature.

4. He worked as a teacher and later became the principal of Sanskrit College in Kolkata, where he brought important reforms to modernize education.

5. Vidyasagar's relentless efforts in simplifying the Bengali alphabet led to the publication of "Barna Parichay," a primer that made learning Bengali easier for children.

6. He strongly advocated for women's education and played a crucial role in establishing the first school for girls in Calcutta (now Kolkata).

7. Vidyasagar's compassion for the widows and his fight against child marriage and other social evils resulted in the landmark Widow Remarriage Act of 1856.

8. As a prolific writer, he authored several books, including "Bidya Sundar," a Bengali novel that emphasized social reform.

9. His immense contributions to education and social reform earned him the title "Vidyasagar," meaning "ocean of knowledge."

10. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar's legacy continues to inspire generations, and he remains a revered figure in Indian history for his selfless dedication to the betterment of society.

10 Lines on Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar for Class 5

1. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar was a prominent Bengali polymath and social reformer who lived during the 19th century.

2. He was born on September 26, 1820, in the village of Birsingha, in present-day West Bengal, India.

3. Vidyasagar's parents valued education, and he showed exceptional academic abilities from a young age.

4. He mastered the Sanskrit language and literature, earning the title "Vidyasagar," which means "ocean of knowledge."

5. Vidyasagar worked as a teacher and later became the principal of Sanskrit College in Kolkata (then Calcutta).

6. He believed in the power of education to uplift society and worked towards making education accessible to all, including girls and the underprivileged.

7. Vidyasagar's efforts in reforming the Bengali alphabet and his contributions to literature made learning more accessible to the masses.

8. He played a pivotal role in advocating for the rights of women and widow remarriage, challenging prevailing societal norms.

9. Vidyasagar's relentless efforts led to the passage of the Widow Remarriage Act in 1856, allowing widows the right to remarry.

10. His remarkable legacy as an educator, scholar, and social reformer continues to inspire people to strive for knowledge, equality, and positive societal change.

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