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Essay on According to me, the best example of Kabaad se Jugaad is

Essay on According to me, the best example

Essay On According to me the best example of Kabaad se Jugaad is for class 6 to 8

The Idea of "Kabaad see Jugadd" is a novelty in itself as the waste scrap and E-waste is used for the beautification of the city instead of being dumped on the land or on open ground. 

India is well known for jugaad making makeshift and innovative arrangements out of useless things. Kabaad sees Jugaad" aims to utilize the principle of the 3 R's - Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. 

This quality is ingrained in us as all of us have attended craft workshops where we are asked to reuse the things that are in good condition. 

The proposal is a plan to find an innovative solution to solid waste management. The idea behind the proposal is to ensure public participation in "Kabaad see Jugaad" to encourage them to sell the E-waste and scrape. 

According to me creating useful and decorative items out of waste (Kabaad) available at home, instead of throwing them is the best use for them. Lots of waste is generated at home daily such as coconut shells, old newspapers, glass jars, plastic bottles, and cardboard boards. 

All these can be used in a creative way to spruce up the interiors. Best kabaad see Jugaad simply means to make something new innovative and attractive out of a material that is of no use otherwise. 

The best example of kabaad se Jugaad is the use of old plastic bottles. Old water plastic Bottles or empty plastic bottles of vinegar, juices water, etc. can be reused to make a pot to grow plants at home. cut the bottle, paint it, and use it as a small planter at home. 

Cut the bottle paint it and use it as a small planter to create a small vertical garden, either on the balcony or the outside the kitchen window, with plastic bottles of different shapes choose plastic bottles that can bear the weight of soil plants and water. 

Make a few holes at the bottom for drainage it makes your home very beautiful and environmentally friendly. 

Kabaad se Jugaad- a novelty in itself has created a number of positive changes in the city of Lakes. This idea makes our world beautiful. we should promote this idea and make the best thing through " Kabaad se Jugaad". 

Essay on According to me, the best example of Kabaad se Jugaad is

Kabaad se Jugaad is a Hindi term that refers to the art of innovation and improvisation using everyday objects and scraps of material. In other words, it is the ability to create something new and useful out of things that are considered waste or useless. This concept is deeply ingrained in Indian culture, where people have been making the most of limited resources for centuries.

In my opinion, the best example of Kabaad se Jugaad is the story of Arunachalam Muruganantham, who invented the low-cost sanitary pad-making machine. Muruganantham's story is inspiring, and it shows how one person can make a big difference in the lives of millions of women.

Muruganantham was born in a poor family in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. He dropped out of school at the age of 14 and started working in a small workshop. Later, he started his own business making small machines that could be used in factories. He was a successful businessman, but his life changed when he got married.

One day, he noticed that his wife was using old rags and newspapers as a makeshift sanitary pad during her menstrual cycle. He was shocked to learn that millions of women in India faced the same problem due to a lack of affordable sanitary pads. He decided to do something about it.

Muruganantham started researching sanitary pads and found that they were expensive because of the high cost of the raw materials and the manufacturing process. He realized that he could make a low-cost machine that could produce affordable sanitary pads using locally available materials.

He spent the next few years experimenting with different materials and designs until he came up with a machine that could produce sanitary pads at a fraction of the cost of those made by big companies. He also designed a business model that would allow rural women to start their own small businesses making and selling sanitary pads.

Today, Muruganantham's machine has been adopted by many NGOs and government organizations. It has also won several awards, including the prestigious Padma Shri, India's fourth-highest civilian award. 

Muruganantham's story is a testament to the power of Kabaad se Jugaad and the ability of one person to make a difference in the world.

In conclusion, Arunachalam Muruganantham's story is the best example of Kabaad se Jugaad in my opinion. He used his ingenuity and resourcefulness to solve a problem that millions of women in India faced. 

His invention has not only improved the lives of these women but also created job opportunities for many others. Muruganantham's story is a shining example of how innovation and creativity can change the world.

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