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10 Lines on Road Rage for Students and Children in English


10 Lines on Road Rage

10 Lines on Road Rage for Students and Children in English

Set 1 - 10 Lines on Road Rage for Kids Set 1 is helpful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. 1. Irresponsible driving, speeding, and lack of respect for the vehicle traffic rules can asses as road rage.

2. While to some sections of people in society road rage might give adrenaline in rush, it can also cause fatal accidents to innocent victims.

3. Bad conditions on our roads such as potholes and narrow lanes are some of the reasons for road rage.

4. The importance of traffic control is very high in cities like Bangalore, Delhi, and Mumbai.

5. The number of accidents on road is far more than the number of deaths caused due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the year 2020.

6. Road rage can also be caused due to misunderstandings between two drivers.

7. We should understand the accidents can happen out of human errors and letting go of such incidents is important for people's mental health.

8. Proper policies should be in place to reduce road accidents in the country.

9. The Ministry of highways is usually responsible for road rage-related deaths and fatalities in India.

10. Stringent rules should be enforced along with negative reinforcements such as hefty road rage. Negative reinforcement to reduce accidents is a technique where you threaten people with hefty fines or terminate driving licenses if any sort of aggressive behavior is shown in public.

Set 2 - 10 Lines on Road Rage for School Students Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7, and 8.

1. Getting aggressive is a common human tendency but if it crosses limits, it can prove to be fatal. 2. Aggressive nature on road or while handling heavy machineries like a car or a motorbike is a very bad habit.

3. In order to control road rage behavior in India, traffic police need to implement traffic rules effectively and strictly.

4. One of the best-proven ways to reduce road accidents and traffic violations due to road rage is to levy hefty fines so that people are reluctant to behave aggressively in public.

5. Extreme psychopathic behavior public causing road races should be addressed by medical professionals rather than police personnel.

6. The tendency of aggressive behavior in public can have negative effects on children and gullible minds.

7. As a society, we need to set an example for the next generation and behave accordingly in public. Not every road rage is intentional and some cases might be purely due to external factors and these need to be categorized accordingly by law enforcement authorities.

8. Lack of proper road Infrastructure, pathetic public transportation systems, and overcrowded cities are some of the reasons for road rage behavior in India.

9. Switzerland and New Zealand are considered to be some of the most peaceful places on the planet when it comes to vehicle road rage.

10. traffic violations and road rage-related fatalities are highest in the city of Miami and Tokyo in the United States of America and Japan respectively.

Set 3 - 10 Lines on Road Rage for Higher Class Students Set 3 is helpful for students of Classes 9, 10, 11, and 12 and Competitive Exams.

1. It is basic for humans to get irritated and show aggressive behavior in crowded areas.

2. India is a tropical country, the average temperature here is more than 28 degree Celsius which can cause irritation to people while driving.

3. Statistics also suggest that road rage behavior usually takes place between two different economic classes of people.

4. The economic divide in the country which is witnessed on our roads is considered to be a reason for road rage, in the bird's point of view for aggressive behavior.

5. Labour laws should be such that it does not violate the human rights of workers in factories and if it does, they will lead to the aggressive behavior of that particular worker in his personal life.

6. The gross happiness index that is used by countries Jakak mathematically calculated index Bhutan to measure the standard of living and the amount of happiness a person experiences in the country.

7. In order to control road rage, the COVID-19 pandemic has made us realize that work from home option is a feasible option for many businesses in the country. 8. The working hours in India should be drastically reduced like that of Japan so that people get enough time to take care of their mental health.

9. Aggressive behavior shown on road can also be witnessed inside households which leads to domestic violence abuses.

10. Aggressive behavior is not against enforcement authorities and is easy to curtail by law and should be taken care of by psychologists and professionals. One of the effective ways to prevent accidents and abuses because of road rage is to cut out insurance coverage during accidents that are caused due to road rage.

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