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My Favourite Movie Essay 3 Idiots


My Favourite Movie Essay 3 Idiots

Essay on My Favourite Movie 3 Idiots

The movie "3 Idiots" has had a profound impact on me and continues to inspire me in numerous ways. Directed by Rajkumar Hirani, this film has transcended the boundaries of entertainment and left a lasting impression on my mind and heart.

One of the aspects that inspires me is the film's emphasis on the importance of pursuing one's passion. It teaches me that true success lies not in conforming to societal expectations or following a predetermined path, but in following my own dreams and interests. The character of Rancho, played by Aamir Khan, encourages me to think outside the box, challenge the status quo, and strive for excellence in my chosen field.

Moreover, "3 Idiots" instills in me a sense of resilience and perseverance. The film showcases the struggles and setbacks faced by the characters, but also their unwavering determination to overcome obstacles. It inspires me to never give up in the face of adversity and to persistently work towards my goals, even if the journey is challenging.

The movie also highlights the significance of friendship and camaraderie. The bond between the three friends, Rancho, Farhan, and Raju, teaches me the value of support, loyalty, and the power of genuine connections. It reminds me of the importance of surrounding myself with positive and uplifting individuals who can provide encouragement and assistance along my own journey.

Furthermore, "3 Idiots" prompts me to question the conventional education system and its flaws. It encourages me to approach learning with curiosity, critical thinking, and a desire for true understanding rather than mere memorization. The film inspires me to seek knowledge beyond textbooks and to actively engage in the pursuit of holistic education.

Ultimately, "3 Idiots" serves as a reminder to live life on my own terms, embracing my uniqueness and celebrating my individuality. It urges me to prioritize happiness, personal growth, and the pursuit of my passions. The film motivates me to constantly challenge myself, push boundaries, and strive for excellence in all aspects of life.

In conclusion, the movie "3 Idiots" has inspired me in numerous ways. It has taught me the importance of pursuing my passion, embracing resilience, valuing friendships, questioning norms, and living an authentic life. Through its powerful messages and memorable characters, the film continues to inspire me to push beyond limits and create a life that is true to myself.

My Favourite Movie is 3 Idiots in 100 Words

3 Idiots, my favorite movie, is a captivating and thought-provoking masterpiece that has left a lasting impression on me. Directed by Rajkumar Hirani, the film revolves around the lives of three friends, their journey through an engineering college, and the pursuit of their dreams. 

What sets 3 Idiots apart is its brilliant storytelling, witty humor, and profound messages about the education system and the importance of following one's passion. 

The film not only entertains but also challenges societal norms, emphasizing the need for a holistic and student-centric approach to education. With its stellar performances, memorable dialogues, and inspiring storyline, 3 Idiots continues to resonate with audiences, reminding us to chase our dreams and embrace a life of purpose and happiness.

3 Idiots Summary And Moral Lesson

"3 Idiots" is a Bollywood film directed by Rajkumar Hirani. The story follows the lives of three college friends, Rancho (Aamir Khan), Farhan (R. Madhavan), and Raju (Sharman Joshi), as they navigate the pressures and expectations of the Indian education system.

The film highlights the flaws in the traditional education system that prioritizes rote learning and academic achievements over true learning and personal growth. Rancho, the protagonist, challenges conventional teaching methods and encourages his friends to think creatively and pursue their passions. He emphasizes the importance of understanding concepts rather than just memorizing them.

Throughout the movie, the characters face various obstacles, including societal expectations, parental pressure, and the fear of failure. The film also addresses issues like mental health, suicide, and the pursuit of happiness.

The moral lesson of "3 Idiots" lies in the power of following one's true calling and not succumbing to societal pressures. It encourages individuals to prioritize personal happiness and well-being over external validation and success. The film emphasizes the significance of holistic education that nurtures individual talents and promotes a love for learning.

Additionally, "3 Idiots" teaches the value of friendship, compassion, and perseverance. The bond between the three friends remains strong throughout the challenges they face, showcasing the importance of support and camaraderie in overcoming obstacles.

In essence, the film advocates for a transformative education system that fosters curiosity, critical thinking, and the pursuit of one's passions. It serves as a reminder to question established norms and to pursue a path that aligns with one's true interests and values, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and successful life.

My Favourite Movie Essay 3 Idiots

My favorite movie is 3 Idiot. It is a story of every being that takes birth. The movie also presents the struggles of life that people have to face in their life. It is adapted from Chetan Bhagat's novel, "Five Point Someone".  

The main casts were Farhan Qureshi acted by R Madhavan, Raju Rastogi acted by Sharman Joshi and Aamir Khan played the central character Phunsukh Wangdu who takes on the identity of Ranchoddas Chanchad, the son of a rich businessman. 

He did all the hard work and gets the grades and gathers knowledge but the certificate he got were all picked up by the real   Ranchoddas Chanchad. 

3 Idiot is a story of human struggle from cradle to grave. The movie portrays how the human struggle for the existence of beings with the birth of a child. 

The child opens his eyes to the world to see the expectation floating in the eyes of his parents who want their children to become engineers, doctors, l&S, parents are completely ignorant if their expectations are actually benefiting their children or adding to their mental pressure. 

This movie influenced so much especially the quote "ALL IS WELL" and " KAMYABI KE PICHE MAT SHAG KABIL BAN, KAMYABI JHAK MAARKAR TERE PICHE AAYEGA". 

The film motivates people to study what they like. The director of the film makes an effort to display the critical condition of the education system of India in the form of a brilliant movie that is entertaining and also bends an important message to the viewers. 

Speech on My Favourite Movie 3 Idiots

It is underived today that movie is a source of entertainment, As the trend of watching a movie is burgeoning day by day. I used to watch sentimental and thematic movies. 

Today I am going to talk about a fabulous and fantastic movie that I admire the most I vividly remember a few years ago I made a plan with my family to watch a movie in a theatre. 

I made this plane because I was a working man since I had been up to my eyeball. We were very excited about it, the name of the movie was 3 Idiot and it is a traumatic movie. 

The movie is directed by Rajkumar Hirani. The release year of the movie was 2009 moreover, the main reason behind watching this movie was the actor who is one of my favorites who is Amar Khan. 

He played an indispensable role as a student.  This movie has given a great message to all the parents and students. As in that movie, parents were used to choosing their children's careers without taking suggestions from their children. 

In spite of this, parents usually forcefully pushed their kids in that stream, in which they don't have any kind of Interest. That's behind they usually lagged behind in studies side by side, it has given another important message that is screaming the answer will not give us knowledge.  

To cut a long story short. this is the movie that really touched my heart and also convey the message and students it was a win-win situation for us because we learned a lot of messages and also it was a stress-buster movie for us.  



  1. Very helpful essay for me
    Thanks for this

  2. Wow the great movie and thanks to you

  3. ty sir very help full


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