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Essay On Digital Collaboration In Classrooms


Essay On Digital Collaboration In Classrooms

Essay On Digital Collaboration In Classrooms

1. The Covid-19 has resulted in the shutdown of schools across India education has changed dramatically.

2. A new way of learning is undertaken during the Panama period a shift from classroom to online learning was adopted in schools and colleges. 

3. My teachers made our online class joyful interesting and effective during the pandemic.

4. All our classes are live so it enables us to interact and stay focused 

5. Teachers are always energetic.

6. My online courses are a solid mix of text, video, voiceovers, quizzes and PowerPoint templates 

7. My teachers showed videos related to the topics. 

8. Our teachers were never annoyed or frustrated while in an online class.

9. An action-oriented assignment like an arts and crafts project are common in our online sessions. 

10. In my view quality of online classes can be improved by bringing more interesting guests to online classes.

Essay On Digital Collaboration In Classrooms

Collaboration is a key feature of 21st-century skills, we know that as children leave school their work is now focused on more collaborative tasks from an educational standpoint.

Collaboration challenges students to be effective listeners clear communicators and team players, when students work together they need to communicate about how they will work they share their knowledge and ideas they learn how to take turns they need to be caring helpful and responsible.

Conducting online classes is not always easy and students need creative ideas to get noticed. Online learning requires a completely different skill set than physical classes. However, my school and my teachers have made our online classroom delightfully interesting and effective during the pandemic.

During this pandemic period, teachers have become the epitome of motivation not just for children but also for the parents, teachers truly are superhumans who have the ability to recreate school virtually without lacking its real essence and yet being the magnet that holds their family together.

"The art of teaching requires the art of multitasking, A teacher blends in all her responsibilities both professional and personal with the right mix"

Homes have become the new school for children as online tools complement the fact that students get to learn and experiment with new technologies at the same time, Digital collaboration helps children's to upgrade their skill of teamwork.

We can witness the effectiveness of digital learning, collaboration is students working together in pairs or in small groups, as well as working together as a class.

Share ideas and thoughts openly alongside another person and come up with a combined answer response and our solution about a particular topic or issue. there is a big role of all the teachers that helps students to teach how to collaborate with each other we all must say thanks to all the teacher. 

"Teachers are the ray of hope continuously motivating young minds to overcome barriers of all sorts and become the best version of themselves as has always been"

Also read: Short Paragraph On My Experience Of Online Classes During Lockdown

Also read: Essay on online Education during Lockdown

Also read: 10 Lines About Online Classes in English

Also read: Advantages and disadvantages of online classes

Also read: Importance Of English Language essay




  1. Excellent information, this knowledge is excellent and very important for everyone. I am heartily thankful to you for providing this kind of information. Thanks once again for sharing it. Digital collaboration & tools


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