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Essay on Equality in Education

Essay on Equality in Education

Essay on Equality in Education

  • What is equality?
  • Difference b/w equity and equality
  • Because of inequality in education
  • what is education for equality
  • Constitutional provision to ensure equality in education
What is equality?
      The term 'equality' means the absence of special privileges for any section of society and the provision of adequate opportunities to all persons without any discrimination.
        The Preamble of the Indian Constitution provides equality of status and opportunity to all citizens of India. Efforts are made to achieve this through various provisions in the constitution as well as various laws and policies made from time to time.

          Equity V/s Equity
              The word 'equity' refers to fairness and justice. The word 'equality' means equal opportunity, equal access, equal treatment, equal division and division i.e. keeping everyone on equal footing. Equity = fairness and justice. It's about making a rational and logical decision
                  Origin of inequality in education
                      A large number of factors are responsible for inequality in relation to educational opportunities. Some of them are as follows:
                         I. regional imbalance
                            ii. parental poverty
                                iii. Differential Standards of Educational Institutions
                                    iv. the difference in a home environment
                                        v. gender inequality
                                            vi. inequality between the privileged and the disadvantaged

                                              Equality for Educational Opportunities
                                                  Equality of opportunity means giving equal opportunity to every person for the development of his potential. Providing for equal opportunities is an accepted practice of all democratic nations.
                                                      India is a democratic and secular country. The success of democracy depends on the education of its citizens. It is important that all citizens are provided with educational opportunities to develop their personalities to the fullest.

                                                      The Constitution of India provides opportunities for education to all the citizens of the country. It also provides that the State shall not discriminate between persons on the basis of their religion, caste, race, sex or place of birth. The Preamble of the Constitution also assures equality to all citizens. This means that our constitution is committed to the principle of equality.

                                                        Constitutional provision to ensure equality in education

                                                        • Free and Compulsory Education: Education is a fundamental right under Article 21(a) of the Constitution of India.
                                                        • Education of Minorities: Article 30 of the Indian Constitution deals with the rights of minorities to establish and administer educational institutions.
                                                        • Protection of linguistic minorities: Article 29(1) provides for the protection of linguistic minorities.
                                                        • education for weaker sections
                                                        • secular education
                                                        • Equality of opportunity in educational institutions: Article 29(1)
                                                        • Women's Education: Articles 14, 15(1) and 15(3) Faculty

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                                                         THANK YOU SO MUCH 


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