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Modes of communication are constantly changing

Modes of communication are constantly changing

Modes of communication are constantly changing 

What are some of these changes? 

Say which one change you like best and why? 

Introduction:- Man is a social animal that evolved different modes of communication from sign language to words, letters, telephone and the telegraph. 

• The advent of the twenty-first century, paved the way for the internet. The World Wide Web made communication possible instantly. 

• Telephones made way for mobiles. These come loaded with value-added features and are the best way to stay connected with your near and dear one's. 

• The integration of the Internet in the mobile is undoubtedly the best chance ever to have taken place. This now enables me to use my dead time more effective use. 

Conclusion:- Our insatiable need to communicate has led to the constant change in our mode of communication, the best being the advent of mobile phones. Life today is unimaginable without it. 

"Man is by nature a social animal", said the Greek philosopher Aristotle. This attribute made him constantly explore different and more effective ways to communicate with fellow humans. 

Thus what may have started as a sign language, gradually transformed into words and sentences, by which one could communicate one's ideas and thoughts. His endeavour to reach out to the vast multitude of people across the globe, lead him to make inventions like the telephone and the telegraph. 

These till the twentieth century were powerful and effective means of communication by which he could reach out to people all over the world. They were however too slow and cumbersome to meet his insatiable desire. 

However, with the advent of the twenty-first century, there came a dramatic and revolutionary change in our mode of communication. The vast multitude of communication satellites and the arrival of computers paved the way for the internet. 

This provided easy and instant connectivity to communicate with anyone across the globe. The World Wide Web through networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Google, reduced the world to a global village, where anyone can communicate his views or seek any information by pressing a key on a computer. 

Besides communicating one can also visually interact with others, using webcams and microphones. Thus what took hours or even weeks has now become possible instantly. 

Telephones that used cables has now made way for mobiles. This small gadgetry using the wire-less medium has revolutionized communication. Being extremely light and portable, and coming loaded with value-added features like camera, audio and video recording, music, and many others, are now indispensable for youth like me. 

They are undoubtedly the easiest and most effective way to stay connected with your near and dear one's The integration of the Internet in the mobile, is undoubtedly the best chance ever to have taken place in the field of telecommunication. 

This feature in my mobile now enables me to use my dead time (time spent travelling or at leisure) to best use. I can now access any information on the net for my project work anytime, find my way about the city, or interact with my friends and relatives without using a computer or the hassle of visiting a cyber café.

Our insatiable need to communicate has led to the constant change in our mode of communication, ever since the dawn of civilization. Out of all the changes, the best chance ever to happen was the advent of the mobile phone. This has become my most valuable and trusted companion, without which life is unimaginable. 

Also read: Essay on social media advantages and disadvantages

Also read: Essay on Effects of Social Media on Mental Health

Also read: The use of mobile phones has lowered active social life and has become an addiction



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